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Every time Luo Zheng gets burn and his body achieve a level up it's amazing that his under...

Redkakkarot June 20, 2021 3:14 pm

Every time Luo Zheng gets burn and his body achieve a level up it's amazing that his underwear also gain a level, he body got burn by the phoenix flame and achieve holy divine body and what else is holy divine, his underwear's too.

This Xu Ming Xue girl could just freaking die, she is a baggage and just being a burden to our First rate holy Divine underwear MC

Wow Chapter 573 the translator talk shit to Mangallama for stealing their works now that's Luo Zheng Style.

Ok I'm confuse, tianming rank was within the top 50 he get into the statue piramid contest while the girl who gave him the bracelet was rank 50+ so she couldn't participate in the statue contest, but Luo Zheng was rank 77 how the heck did he get selected into the statues contest ? Or only those below rank 100 was selected?

Ok I know this is just fantasy and fiction, but does Taoism/Buddhism Believe in this logic? That one can cultivate their mind body and soul and ascend to higher state and become a God? And what's with the logic that universe can be form within our body and after billions of years it will grow life and human, imagine a civilian grow within your body knowing there's killing, pillaging and raping going on in your body

    virussu June 17, 2021 10:41 am

    What a superb observation xd

    demon13o June 23, 2021 7:38 am

    Either it levels or it's made of some terrifying material that he should invest in for clothing...