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Help me find anime

Ines_Ivy June 17, 2021 8:16 pm

It was chinese animation and i think I watched it on YouTube channel but i can't find it now
It was about two brothers who lived in a realm with ghosts and their parents were protectors of a territory. After they were killed the older brother who was like 11 had to take care of his baby brother who almost seemes like normal human. Long story short they have to run away into human realm so the little bro dosent get seperated from him and bunch of things happan and little bro grows up and dislikes his brother but later his brother dies trying to protect him and the little bro turns out to have been super powerful guy who wants revange.

    Catjar June 17, 2021 8:49 pm

    Sorry, no idea, but it sounds interresting, so I'll camp here to wait for an answer together with you!

    Ines_Ivy July 16, 2021 11:18 pm
    Sorry, no idea, but it sounds interresting, so I'll camp here to wait for an answer together with you! Catjar

    Rakshasa street. That's the name. Zhen Hun Jie on Chinese

    Ines_Ivy July 16, 2021 11:21 pm
    Sorry, no idea, but it sounds interresting, so I'll camp here to wait for an answer together with you! Catjar
    This is link to manga but apperently it's not good compared to the anime.