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My unpopular two cents -

Amorim June 18, 2021 11:08 am

I think people are overreacting a little bit when it comes to this manga. The way MC acts towards his parent "with the insults/misgendering" is very common for manga portrayals of children with irresponsible parents. I feel like we didnt know too much about the dad because she was painted as absent, selfish, and not really there for her son. In an attempt to make light of the situation and not go too deep into family dynamics, authors usually have children be "funny bitter" and lash out with comedic indifference and insults that dont really land. I don't think hes a transphobe.

As for the abuse/non con that has way more to do with how japan views gender roles than anything else. The bottom (girl) is supposed to say no and act shy and hit her partner for being overly sexual. We can see in this manga that both characters when they played the role of "bottom" were hitting the other and lashing out. Both tried to make the other the bottom non consentually. The only real difference between the seme and the uke in this manga is that the seme chose to guilt trip the uke into being a bottom while the uke is currently taking a "lets force him while hes asleep" role. I do think overall the seme is the shittier character, but only because he was more extreme than the uke in all the points i listed.

    Shirane June 20, 2021 9:01 pm

    Yes, those cliches, tropes, stereotypes exist but I think it's time to let them die. We're not in the 1980s anymore, couples can talk things through and actively wanting to have sex is no longer an exclusively male privilege.