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Title please?

Coffee June 21, 2021 6:12 am

It was a pretty cliche isekai action MANGA
It was about this boy who’s isekaied into a magical world and in his past life, he uses papers cut out into a human like shape (paper people) and he would use that to chant magic because he can’t use magic like normal people do it. Anyways, he lives with his uncles or father, idk and he has these two brothers and one of them is a arrogant and selfish boy. And the only person who’s nice to him is this girl (MC’s maid and she can see spirits). And one day, the MC ends up fighting the arrogant lil brother to compete to go to a magic school. And he wins.
-I remember the arrogant brother harassing the maid
-I also remember him summoning a huge lizard like monster on purpose to help showcase his abilities.
-I also think he had black hair (which is unusual in this world?) idk…
-I also remember him showing the abilities of his maid (the girl who can see spirits) to his family so that she can attend school with him. And the MC is like a magic teacher to the maid. And yatayata.

Ya Ik it’s super cliche and there’s like 100s of these types out there but if you would know the name, please tell me!
