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RadioK0N June 22, 2021 11:15 pm

…Louis was drugged by that same drug given to the accomplice in interrogation the night he got preggers. That’s why he couldn’t remember that night and that’s why he could only answer every direct question and not any indirect one. But the crown prince didn’t know he was drugged and now because he is being an ass and playing this game, the lack of communication is killing the relationship. The Duke “Wellington the Thirsty” might be the killer seeing as how he was the one who was going to take Louis in the carriage in his drugged state that night and he resembled the victims (plus I feel the victims were all proxies for Louis and his infatuation is deadly). Since we don’t know who the other Duke is yet (I am not asking you to spoil it for me — I can wait patiently — make your own comment if you want to know) I can only make an assumption about Duke “Thirsty McThirsty”.
