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kiyo June 25, 2021 5:42 am

reading this while i’m su1c1d@l myself really does explain how it feels to be severely depressed.
i love this story & i’m so glad i discovered it.
(it kinda triggered me a lil but that’s my fault lol)

    Anonnymous June 25, 2021 7:24 am

    Hope you feel better and Please seek help.

    TailedBeastMode June 25, 2021 8:23 am

    I was kinda surprised at the very beginning of the story and I feel like there should have been more trigger warnings informing people who are picking it up. Like whenever I read fanfics, the author marks depression as a tag and there is always a warning about how some moments could trigger people in the first chapter and how the depictions of it are not accurate based on experience. I feel like I had no clue what I was getting into because there is only yaoi, smut, and webtoon as tags and the first chapter has no warnings. Like there is some mind break in this, not the fun porn version but literal mind break from the bottom so yeah I feel like this really caught me, especially since the first chapter really got me interested to read it in one go