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As a nurse

Nyota_Spock June 26, 2021 3:08 am

I'm disappointed with that nurse, based on where we saw her take out the pill the nurse should have caught her pocketing the pill (dementia patients like to do that alot so we know where to look), I don't know how she missed that. Also a psych nurse should have investigated more about that patient's change in behavior and not just written it off as her wanting to return home sooner. That's also why you have to routinely check blood levels cause that's one thing that can't lie. They would have realized her levels showed the drug is either below therapeutic level or not in her system at all. Very disappointed.

    HYÆCINTH June 26, 2021 3:31 am

    agreed... esp reading/watching stories it's frustrating when 'professionals' like detectives, professors, doctor/nurse, etc not do their jobs property

    Nyota_Spock June 26, 2021 3:35 am
    agreed... esp reading/watching stories it's frustrating when 'professionals' like detectives, professors, doctor/nurse, etc not do their jobs property HYÆCINTH

    Tell me about it I could be watching a very dramatic and serious scene but the minute I notice a medical inaccuracy it takes me right out of the story. It's like if you can't even get that right why should I care ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭