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I lack empathy, don’t @ me idc. Jus goin with the flow

umasou~ July 1, 2021 7:40 am

So I’m sure they’re gonna give the sick bro his backstory to explain his behavior but since I don’t know it yet, can he like just die already??? Lol. he’s miserable as is, end his suffering already my god
Update: ahh I see. So the gist is basically Jua is a sick ill mf and Kun has to take care of him all the time so the one time he dips to have some freedom (or perhaps multiple times after he’s tasted that freedom), lil Jua gets beat up (and perhaps been beat up multiple times but Kun was too busy enjoying freedom to notice) so Jua blames him and Kun also blames himself. Sigh. This is why family murder each other and the unsick sibling feels like crap all the time because the sick sibling is given extra care. Amen to their story. At this point I hope it can only get better.
Update update: ah shit I wasn’t even close. I’ll just give up. I’m getting too stressed over all this mess
