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she realy walked into that one..

Alenira July 2, 2021 7:02 am

Wow honestly.. she realy walked into ending in the lake on her own...
They are targeting you and you decide to act dumb and aproach them when you know they have escelated in their mistreatment and bullying..

She then finaly choses to act out of character.. so why didnt she do that ealier.. The auther makes no she just ignorant in general?

    ChuYang July 9, 2021 8:38 am

    How is acting as if the maids didn't push her into the water and acting instead as if she just went for a leisurely swim, then telling them that they should be able to get in the water just like she did, acting out of character? She obviously pointed out the reason why she finally retaliated too. Putting salt instead of sugar is not going to kill her. Pushing her into the water potentially could. Clearly. But instead you want her to act out of character while complaining at the same time when you erroneously believe she is? Yet it's the author who makes no sense.... Mhm.

    Alenira July 9, 2021 9:37 am
    How is acting as if the maids didn't push her into the water and acting instead as if she just went for a leisurely swim, then telling them that they should be able to get in the water just like she did, acting... ChuYang

    Did you forget, she literaly made the "princess" an idiot with no sense of danger nor sense of power.. Now out of nowhere said person is alking back and thinking.
    Yet she kept up the idiot act until this point out of fear of being exposed.. yet just did something thats compleatly oppersit of the character she made.. she wasnt asking them to come play in the water, she was quetioning their intent and as to why it was ok for her to "play" in the water but not ok for them..

    An idiot who never asked questions now asking intent questions where the answer can prove acts of malice.

    Your telling me thats not out of character for a charactor even the auther describes and an idiot, airhead who knows nothing.

    After what she just did, all those maids will question then sudden change they felt. Yet FL will try to act it off as still being dumb.

    She is literaly the one who made the story and all the characters, she herself describes the novel she wrote as an "uninteresting novel with no hopes and dreams. It only gives dark vibes".
    In other words.. its a novel where the strong trample and enslave the weak where no mercy is given, where the best the weak can hope for is a quick painless death.

    She herself is now a character who in terms of "strength" she is a baby, a character whos only strenth is a brother who cares for her..
    Your telling me the maids wont find it odd when a person with the stregth of a baby and the mentality of an infant sudenly has the strength and mentality of act and question them like an adult. And that this isnt out of character..

    Also the fact that she is shocked at how said character is treated.. when she herself wrote said mind boggling.

    So lets all be honest here... She was fine with the treatment of the "princess" until she herself was the one experiencing it.
    She was fine with the tyrant being an Op demonlord with no mercy that kills all in his wake, until she herself was a target.
    She is fine with everyone els dying, as long as she herself is spared or can escape.
    Yet at the same time she "fears" for her life..all she can do is nitpick on all the "bad traits" she gave the Tyrant.. while infront of him.. knowing he is reading her mind as she thinks all of this..

    No mater how i look at this story.. the Fl auther just wrote her ideal living hell of a tyrant novel. She claims to fear for her life, yet thanks to her giving the tyrant the Op mindreading ability.. we as readers get to see what shes actualy thinking..
    And what shes thinking is.. thoughts on mistakes she made in building his character.. like what? thats what she is thinking with him next to her ready to kill her?. Does that even make sense?