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Sachi July 4, 2021 5:30 pm

I might get hate for this but please, if you don't know the language, don't translate the chapters. It makes the story very difficult to understand or even like. If you are just using google translate to do it then anyone can do the same and we are not doing it because those translations are bad and we prefer waiting and be patient in order to have an understandable story. But if you translate a chapter, then no one else is going to translate it after you, and then we will never be able to understand the story and enjoy it. Once again I'm sorry if this comes off as really rude since I'm sure you only wanted to help but please, don't do that, especially if someone else is already doing the translation and doing it really well. If you work on it I'm sure you can do a very good job too, but right now none of this chapter made any sense and it's a real shame... ┗( T﹏T )┛
