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Damn this comic was awesome. I don't have words to describe my emotions but I can only say...

Asukara Mitsuki July 5, 2021 6:53 am

Damn this comic was awesome. I don't have words to describe my emotions but I can only say one thing and that is this is a rare comic which made me totally in love with it from the first chapter. We should be grateful to yeonkyung for being a cupid even if it wasn't intentional. It was because of her that they met and fell in ove with each other. Sunghyung is really a great boyfriend and ally but a dangerous enemy. I totally love the story and how it folded. There wasn't any drama or any triangle which was quite refreshing. I love that every bitch got their Karma. I wanted to see the wedding chapter but I am happy still as it was a perfect ending.
