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Here's my two cents.

Luna (previously Anonimo) September 1, 2016 4:56 pm

This manga is definitely something. It's not simple plot to make an excuse and draw hot sex scenes, no. I think it brings things that are ugly that we usually see in reality (definitely some things are exagerated for the sake of fiction but still with high sense of reality) and how easily we can judge without even for a moment try to understand the situation. And I'm not even trying to justify neither of the actions of the unfortunate mother, no. It was to be expected, how she acted, how everything turned and that's the closest to reality that this manga brings. It's sad, because the majority thinks that she had choices... really? What choices? "Give the baby to someone who can love him" that sounds a rational action, yes, but for me it would be a choice given by SOMEONE who tried to understand her and that didn't happen. She was left alone, she was expulsed from society by her family and everyone around her that she could trust, everyone blamed her, not giving her the benefit of the doubt. She was alone with a baby. How after she was treated could posibly think give that baby away? And being alone with anybody to hold or be holded? She thought that she could do it, give that baby the chances she didn't have. But that was merely a dream, reality is harsh and she failed tremendously, another thing to be expected to happen. Something in her broke and she gave up to the choice of give Momo a normal life because she didn't think it would be possible for them, for her, for that child, because they're a failure to the society standards. Yes, she was horrible, but for me that's not a surprise. It was a consequence for the fucked up reality she had to put on. The innocents always pay for others mistakes, Momo was the victim of his Mom's family mistake, for how society in general let her down. I think that was hurt her the most (and the thing that severely damaged her) was how everyone treated her after the rape. Nobody is thinking that the rapist after what he did to her didn't pay for his actions? Only her as a witness and everybody doubting, how somebody would feel after that? What rational thought could you have?

It' obvious that she knows she did wrong, but that's a realization she's having after she was given a chance, finally. And that's why she's searching for her son. And I think she's not even trying to seek forgiveness from him, she knows she doesn't deserve it, but she wants to know if he's also living a good life because he's also being given a chance. She's thinking that maybe it's not fair that she's the only one with the single opportunity to have a normal life, she's a mother after all and she's showing that she cares.

I'm glad that Yata is there for Momo, and also, I'm glad that Yata is trying to give Momo a chance to not hold grudges to his mother because it's a burden that. Too much weight on his shoulders.

That's how I'm interpreting this's a hell of a manga!

    Kiss* September 1, 2016 5:50 pm

    I am done, seriously I am done.
    "Momo was the victim of his Mom's family mistake, for how society in general let her down."
    All serial killers are society's fault, that's what charles manson said in trial,he didn't kill them,it was society ahahahahaha I just give up.
    A killer who abused and stabbed his wife to death, in trial said "it was a mistake, I love her so much, you can't understand what I have been through " he was abused and raped during his childhood, fortunately the judge felt no pity and sentenced him to death cause in the end, he was a psycho, perfectly aware of what he was doing and the damage, the only thing he could talk about was himself, how terribly unlucky he was. But hey, we should feel sorry for him, ah Damn you society. Ever thought that rapists could have experienced some trauma, oh wait, most of them do,actually a high percentage of criminals have been through abuse. Damn society, start feeling sorry. Poor rapists, serial killers, misunderstood souls. The thing is, if you are aware of what you are doing, mentality aware, you know the damage and still commit the crime, you are a criminal .it's your fault, your choice.
    By your logic we should feel sorry for Isis members too ahahaha
    Seriously, I give up.

    enough September 1, 2016 6:18 pm
    I am done, seriously I am done. "Momo was the victim of his Mom's family mistake, for how society in general let her down."Facepalm. All serial killers are society's fault, that's what charles manson said i... Kiss*

    Okay we got it, you want Momo's mom to die. But could you let people write their comments in peace?
    It's not like people grow up and do the things they do outside of a context. Most people on the comments are warping their minds around the new infos we just got on a character!

    You are taking this too far. Please write new comments if you want but you are becoming disrespectful making fun of what others are writing.
    They aren't even necessarily disagreeing with you. They simply are allowing themselves to see things from another point of view. And aren't wishing death and being so extreme with a black and white thinking.
    And that last part was unnecessary!

    Cut it out already!

    Luna (previously Anonimo) September 1, 2016 6:40 pm
    Okay we got it, you want Momo's mom to die. But could you let people write their comments in peace?It's not like people grow up and do the things they do outside of a context. Most people on the comments are wa... @enough

    I think you gave a really perfect answer, it's not necessary to add more and thank you very much! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Kiss* September 1, 2016 7:22 pm
    Okay we got it, you want Momo's mom to die. But could you let people write their comments in peace?It's not like people grow up and do the things they do outside of a context. Most people on the comments are wa... @enough

    They expressed themselves that's fine, I gave my opinion as well. I didn't insult anyone, I read the comment and it didn't make sense. Is it offensive when you point out faults in arguments?

    "And aren't wishing death and being so extreme with a black and white thinking"
    When was I being extreme ? Do you even know what that means? Give me a break. And for your Info I don't care about Momo's mom or this manga, it was the concept of excusing such behavior and turning the abuser into a victim.But hey that's extreme. And nope the last part wasn't unnecessary, I simply followed such a logic. If it sounded extreme then it simply pointed out a fault in the argument.

    If you want I can change the example, and find many others so that it won't be too "insensitive."

    How September 1, 2016 7:40 pm
    Okay we got it, you want Momo's mom to die. But could you let people write their comments in peace?It's not like people grow up and do the things they do outside of a context. Most people on the comments are wa... @enough

    Maybe Kiss* shouldn't have used sarcasm ,but she is right about the faults in the arguments. I asked a user how they could feel any empathy towards the mother and they gave me answers that didn't make sense. It was weird

    Luna (previously Anonimo) September 1, 2016 7:56 pm
    Maybe Kiss* shouldn't have used sarcasm ,but she is right about the faults in the arguments. I asked a user how they could feel any empathy towards the mother and they gave me answers that didn't make sense. ... @How

    One thing is that it doesn't make sense to you, another thing is trying to banalize a comment to the point of ridiculize it, that's disrespectful. It's ok if you disagree, but I've read a lot of comments that turns the discussion in a very interesting "forum" and that's not happening here at all. Anyway, I don't want to start a war and being qualified like "those who're feeling sympathy for such a psycho" no. I was just trying to give my point of view because I found this manga pretty interesting, how is bringing issues that, for me, makes you think seriously and maybe you want to try to listen somebody story. That's it, nothing else.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2016 10:02 pm

    I think that the OP is wrong to say she didn't have choices. Yes, bad things happened to her--but she had many choices. Worse things happened to Momo at an even younger age, and he does not take out his pain on others. If other survivors can come out from even worse situations with even less support and not be that inhumane to others, then she could have too. Her past explains only so much--and the rest is her.

    Furthermore, her main motive for what she did to Momo was money. Nothing that happened in the past changes that fact--it was for money.

    ~semi~ September 1, 2016 10:18 pm

    It wasn't the family who abused momo, and you are wrong in considering that what momo's mum did was a normal consequence to what happened to her. If we want to put this into the real world, momo would end up a drug addict, yata would be an old man who likes young boys, and that friend would be into the business as well. There would be no way they can both be happy and stuff like that.'s wishful thinking.

    enough September 1, 2016 11:40 pm
    They expressed themselves that's fine, I gave my opinion as well. I didn't insult anyone, I read the comment and it didn't make sense. Is it offensive when you point out faults in arguments? "And aren't wi... Kiss*

    Don't pretend you can't be hurtful and disrespect others as long as you're polite. And the words you say will have an effect on others, so if you're gonna say something, don't act like you don't have to assume it afterwards because it's an 'opinion'.

    You paint Momo's mom like a 'spycho' that can't be saved or forgiven. So what other options is there but death if you condemn her existence and decide she is so rotten inside?

    Yes I say extreme because the way you decide to talk about her is tainted so much by hate that you don't treat her like a human. You wished for her to experience the same kind of abuse in prison.
    You also said she should have killed the boyfriend for touching her kid. To me, that's extreme.
    You are judging while taking personal feelings and attachments into account but then act like it's sound arguments. And then say it's the people who dares to think of the mom's circumstances that don't make sense.

    Some people can put themselves into someone else's shoes, think of their circumstances whether they agree or not, whether they hate the person or not. You can't do that, that's on you. That doesn't mean people who can are wrong. They just can do something you can't.

    Your comments are every where on here, for someone who 'don't care about Momo's mom or this manga', you put a lot of energy into it. No need to try so hard.

    On a side note, you act like an psychologist expert because some of your friends are studying it and keep saying spycho, sick and other pretty degrading things when involving mental illness in your argumentation. Be a little more respectful.

    You can keep your examples, thanks.

    Luna (previously Anonimo) September 1, 2016 11:57 pm
    It wasn't the family who abused momo, and you are wrong in considering that what momo's mum did was a normal consequence to what happened to her. If we want to put this into the real world, momo would en... ~semi~

    "If we want to put this into the real world, momo would end up a drug addict, yata would be an old man who likes young boys, and that friend would be into the business as well."

    And that's when reality surpass fiction, because I've seen that picture many times. Only a few have the emotional strenght to put that all behind and try to do good, to be good. It's not what normally happens, unfortunately. Those people are exceptional, in a way Momo is exceptional, at least he hasn't hurt anyone. His mother wasn't strong enough and what happened to her was pretty rough and I'm not talking about the rape act. The things after. What she did, for me, was a consequence of how everything went so wrong. I do blame her family because it's suposse to be that they're your support, your base. What kind of example she was left after that? if you can't trust in your parents, then what? Maybe because I have such strong ties to my family I have giving this interpretation, but that was awful, I cant even imagine how terrible must be to be in a traumatic situation and the ones you love the most, the ones you trust the most, are there judging you and just letting you behind.

    Now, by logic she did have choices, but no orientation whatsoever. Again if you can't trust in your close ones, where you can go?

    And I do believe she know she did wrong, if not, she wouldn't be trying to contact Momo at all. I read in a previous comment that it's better for them (and I'm suspecting that is the direction this manga is going) just to have a last word and just let it go. Things are turning (for once) good for both of them, so why don't try to make peace? Momo has a good heart, he would let this woman at least have one chance to say something right. It will show her a lesson, his son is a better human than her.

    Luna (previously Anonimo) September 2, 2016 12:17 am
    I think that the OP is wrong to say she didn't have choices. Yes, bad things happened to her--but she had many choices. Worse things happened to Momo at an even younger age, and he does not take out his pain on... Anoni Grrl

    " If other survivors can come out from even worse situations with even less support and not be that inhumane to others, then she could have too. Her past explains only so much--and the rest is her"

    Like I said before, those are exceptional cases. It's not what normally happens, sad but true.

    Maybe with the right orientation she could have thought in another options, but from what I read and what is suggesting the plot, she was left alone and worse, it was her fault what happened. For me, she didn't have the chance to have choices. And just to clarify, I'm not justifying her behaviour, I'm just trying to see the things from her perspective.

    Money is ugly! That's another thing entirely, but I'm not divorcing one thing from another. She turned into a horrible person, yes, but that was also and from my point of view...expected.

    I'm looking forward to see where this is going, I'm not used to Harada's plots and to be honest I've just read two stories from her, this one and Yoru to Asa... no exactly a fan of her and not interested to read more from her but just because a matter of taste (I prefer Ogawa, her stories are more atractive to me) but this one is really interesting and touching in a very weird way.

    Anoni Grrl September 2, 2016 12:48 am
    " If other survivors can come out from even worse situations with even less support and not be that inhumane to others, then she could have too. Her past explains only so much--and the rest is her" Like I said ... Luna (previously Anonimo)

    "Like I said before, those are exceptional cases. It's not what normally happens, sad but true. "

    But while, sadly, rape survivors and single parents are common, thankfully, selling your children to pedophiles is not. Momo's mom is the exception--by her own choice. Most rape survivors and single moms have issues and are not perfect--but they never sink to that level of child abuse. When people sell children for sex, it is about money.

    The main problem I have with the idea that she had no choice is that it negates the autonomy of rape survivors and single mothers, and relegates them to helpless victims who have no power or free will. It's bad enough that that happens during the rape itself--and single mothers have enough problems to deal with without being considered mindless. The majority of people who face such situations have hard lives--and I do feel for them. But most of them do not become child abusers or sell their children to paedophiles.

    It's cool to see things from her perspective, but that doesn't mean we have to buy into her side of the story if you know what I mean.

    I am also looking forward to the rest of the story, though.

    Luna (previously Anonimo) September 2, 2016 1:19 am
    "Like I said before, those are exceptional cases. It's not what normally happens, sad but true. "But while, sadly, rape survivors and single parents are common, thankfully, selling your children to pedophiles i... Anoni Grrl

    "The main problem I have with the idea that she had no choice is that it negates the autonomy of rape survivors and single mothers, and relegates them to helpless victims who have no power or free will. It's bad enough that that happens during the rape itself--and single mothers have enough problems to deal with without being considered mindless."

    I'm going to stop here for a second, when you say "single mom" are we still talking about a single mom with a child product of a rape? Or just a woman that from whatever happened she resulted in being a single mom? Because hey, being a single mom isn't by any means something to be ashamed or to even being considerate a victim. Actually, most women in these times are evaluating the idea of being single mom (including myself) and mostly because the fact that you don't have a partner doesn't mean that you are less capable of being a mother. But that's another thing entirely and sorry if I went south from your comment.

    Well, if we're going to get serious about this, we should considerate to at least make a discrimination of those young women/adult women victim of a rape, resulted pregnant but they're not left behind, not alone and with support. I would say, they have more chances to do right, either if they keep the child or not. Those who are alone, those who are being judged and carring all the weight of guilt... I do believe they're going to fail in everything they try. They're the weakest and emotionally damaged. To be honest, I personally don't know real cases (at least close to me or that I've know from my environment), so maybe I'm talking nonsenses , I'm just giving a word from a frivolous analisys of a manga.

    "It's cool to see things from her perspective, but that doesn't mean we have to buy into her side of the story if you know what I mean."


    Yes, I know what you mean, and it's just so good to feel free to think different from others but talk in a civilized way about it, even if you don't agree with the other party (I do agree with the fact that it was child abuse)

    Anoni Grrl September 2, 2016 1:59 am
    "The main problem I have with the idea that she had no choice is that it negates the autonomy of rape survivors and single mothers, and relegates them to helpless victims who have no power or free will. It's ba... Luna (previously Anonimo)

    I used single parents as a group because many single moms in Japan live in poverty--but they still do a good job (most of them). I know rape survivor single moms have it particularly hard--but they are still more than just victims--they are survivors and they have choices. Maybe you are right and this is all a bit too real world for a fictional story.

    In the story, I love Momo, and I want to smack down the fictional character that hurt him. :)

    Viira September 2, 2016 2:04 am
    I think that the OP is wrong to say she didn't have choices. Yes, bad things happened to her--but she had many choices. Worse things happened to Momo at an even younger age, and he does not take out his pain on... Anoni Grrl

    I completely agree with you! That's how I felt. She may have had horrible things done to her and she wasn't treated right, but that doesn't excuse the choices she made. There comes a point we all have to take responsibility for things that happen to us even when they aren't our fault. In the end, she made bad choices and chose to hurt others. You make an excellent point about Momo. He was abused at a much younger age and on top of that didn't even have a mom who loved him. She says she tried to treat him right but she still couldn't and didn't stop herself from seeing Momo as a rapist's child instead of her own child. She didn't move past it and continuously chose to abandon her bad choices. Even in the end she doesn't own up to them. She asks others to understand why she did what she did and wants their pity. But if I read chapter 5 right, the only reason she even met with Momo was to cut ties with him. She just wanted to run away again and put what she had done behind her for her new life.

    How September 2, 2016 2:32 am
    "The main problem I have with the idea that she had no choice is that it negates the autonomy of rape survivors and single mothers, and relegates them to helpless victims who have no power or free will. It's ba... Luna (previously Anonimo)

    It is your view, but with total respect, your logic is messed up.

    himeko7 September 2, 2016 4:54 am

    Even though it was REALLY REALLY wrong of her, and that she can't really be forgiven, I feel bad for Momo's mom and you're somewhat right saying that it was her family's fault that she did what she did. She was young and alone, and no one was there to help her for goodness sake!!

    Some part of me says that she should have tried harder for Momo if she really wanted to love him, by finding help even though she felt like she couldn't trust anyone anymore- she should've known not everyone is a piece of good-for-nothing-s**t, but that's easier to think when you're not in that person's shoes. :(

    She deserves punishment, yes, but it's still sad to know the reason of what happened.

    No one has to agree with anyone, but shouldn't we respect (or ignore if you're that easily triggered) with each others opinions? *smh*

    Wait what September 2, 2016 9:23 am

    Wait, wait, wait, you are saying "she felt lost, didn't know what to do, sold a kid to sex clients, she could have done better, but how can we judge since we aren't in her shoes "
    It just surprises me how most of those who have sympathy for the mother are from the US. Now I get it why they say feminazis are doing a bad job. They did a pretty good job into emphasizing the trauma of rape, but it looks like it's only about women,and after that everything is justifiable. Let's not start with the 'child born from rape' it's a child, just a child.
    Talking mangas is cool but it's better when people understand what happens, not justify sth that can't be justified. Feeling pity maybe, but going on with she was lost and alone, it's a normal consequence of what happened to her, no..... that's nonsense

    Kiss* September 2, 2016 9:33 am
    Don't pretend you can't be hurtful and disrespect others as long as you're polite. And the words you say will have an effect on others, so if you're gonna say something, don't act like you don't have to assume ... @enough

    Good, I have a fan. Thank you for all your dedication, please keep up with me. Don't forget to add me to your friends list, bye.

    Luna (previously Anonimo) September 2, 2016 2:47 pm
    I used single parents as a group because many single moms in Japan live in poverty--but they still do a good job (most of them). I know rape survivor single moms have it particularly hard--but they are still mo... Anoni Grrl

    "In the story, I love Momo, and I want to smack down the fictional character that hurt him. :) "

    Yeah, I know. Momo wakes up in the reader the sense of protect him so I agree . btw nice to talk with you, even we have a different perpectives, it's refreshing to share some words (even in a trivial thing like this site) and trust me when I said that I understand completely your POV. I try to be grey especially when the theme is on the table for discussion smack at you situations that makes you think twice before make a judgement and you know it's going to create controversy. But still you can't avoid some things that are completely unacceptable, just go deeper and try to solve the problem from the root. Everything has a reason, nothing happens only by chance (I don't believe in casualties, yes in causality) so that's why my particular thoughts about this story.

    See you!