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Ahleh July 7, 2021 12:44 pm

Read the raws (more like scrolled and tried figuring the plot out from their facial expressions) and damnnn you thought Jay is scary? Wait until Seulgis past past past is revealed. She takes the cup for crazy bij

    uhhhh idk July 7, 2021 2:57 pm

    yooo give me the link of the raw

    Justonemorechapter July 7, 2021 3:10 pm

    Can you pls spoil

    Its Bee July 7, 2021 3:45 pm


    spongebob July 8, 2021 6:09 am

    can u pls spoil us TT

    Ahleh July 8, 2021 8:28 am

    With Jay and Seulgis rela, it's really Yuri Jays OBSESSED with Seulgis to the point where it's almost scary but she's cute crazy if you knw what I mean. Also some of Jays action makes you wanna step back and just.... Wtf typa way. And Seulgis, typical MC behavior, kinda trying to save everyone and sometimes hurt Jays trust/feelings along the way. When they say trust issues, they really meant trust issues with a capital T. Latest chapter Seulgis trynna stab Jays dad and then her past is revealed. The reason why she doesn't have a dad is cause she K word him. The dad was abusive and young Seulgi grabbed a knife and stabbed him when he was gonna hurt the mum (I can't remember if he was trynna hit her or kill her) and the mum in fear burnt their house down with the dad in it and escaped. Fast forward, Jay goes to preschool, befriends a puppy, and then few days later saw her classmates trynna injure the puppy for fun... You guessed it she stabbed them I mean deserved but lmao also the ex friend of Jays group is a crazy af bij. Short hair girl with glasses, her mum is fkd up in the head and the pink haired girls mum as well as Jays dad. The reason why Seulgi tried to stab Jays dad was bec Jay's friend groups parents (glasses mum, pink hairs mum, Jay's dad) had a meeting with Seulgis mum and told her that Seulgi is getting expelled with photos that looks like Seulgis a delinquent (i.e photo of Seulgi with a cigarette in her mouth from an incident where the bullied made her do it so they can take a photo, Seulgi knocking her previous school bullies head out with a brick etc) which resulted in her mum to be hospitalised. Idk about their friend group, sometimes they're screaming at each other and then the other times they're saving each other's asses

    Also when Seulgis was trynna stab Jay's dad, Jay swooped in and saved the day by hugging Seulgi which I think then injured her (Jay)... ? The medication Seulgi has is actually for this psycho side of her and she had a confrontation with Jay at school beforehand and threw her medication so Jay kinda knew something was gonna down

    spongebob July 8, 2021 4:58 pm
    With Jay and Seulgis rela, it's really Yuri Jays OBSESSED with Seulgis to the point where it's almost scary but she's cute crazy if you knw what I mean. Also some of Jays action makes you wanna step back and j... Ahleh

    wow... oh god reading this was a whole rollercoaster... but im looking forward for the future chapters thanks for sharing ! ^_____^

    uhhhh idk July 9, 2021 4:34 am
    With Jay and Seulgis rela, it's really Yuri Jays OBSESSED with Seulgis to the point where it's almost scary but she's cute crazy if you knw what I mean. Also some of Jays action makes you wanna step back and j... Ahleh

    wow thanks for sharing and while reading this i can imagine the scene like wow it will be interesting if my imagination were right if i see the chapter lol anyways thank you again