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I always get really frustrated reading this manga. The mc is taking the approach of preten...

ME NOLIFE July 8, 2021 8:32 pm

I always get really frustrated reading this manga. The mc is taking the approach of pretending to support viena to betray/humiliate her in the end but the process is taking so long. Every time they have a argument I don’t feel like the mc is winning at all. It’s like how the mc made a smart move to not call her last name in the ball to reduce her to just a niece and not part of the family. She couldve just let the niece feel frustrated but she goes comforting her how it’s for ur own good. Even in the latest chapter with how her moms jewelry was stolen it didn’t feel like she “won” in that situation because she didn’t really prove a point to either her father or viena. Idk Ik she’s not one of those mc that are overpowered and can always come up with the best come back and humiliate others, or straightforwardly show hatred towards the enemy and instead she’s taking the slow approach, but I always feel so frustrated cause nothing has happened to viena yet . No revenge or anything

    Nelle July 8, 2021 8:54 pm

    I mean, we’re only on chapter 16; the plot going any faster than this would just be unrealistic. Not only does she have to take down Vienna AND a prince, but she’s also trying to usurp her father’s position. That’s a lot for 16 chapters.

    But besides that, the reason she’s playing it the way she is, is because he father would do more things to mess with her if she was outwardly showing hatred for Vienna. He already caused the who swing incident when she wasn’t even doing anything. She needs to take down her father before starting her revenge plot(and again, it’s not very realistic for her to take over as head of the house so soon).

    Also if her hatred and plan was obvious to Vienna, Vienna would probably start doing some actual plotting as well; not just petty stuff. It’s all to keep her in the dark as the pieces lineup, then catch her off guard.

    ME NOLIFE July 8, 2021 10:18 pm

    Fair point I didn’t think about what the father can do. Guess I’ll wait until everything falls in to plan