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yea i still cant accept the part where ren left kaede alone until he fainted from the pain...

here for the memes July 10, 2021 2:30 am

yea i still cant accept the part where ren left kaede alone until he fainted from the pain like that must have relly hurt and ren didnt even apologise for it, also he got mad at yuuishi when it was him that literally helped kaede when ren neglected him like tf is that abt

    KaiGavin July 12, 2021 2:30 am

    yeah. that conversation ended up being cut off and dropped when he turned into a wolf. but i really want him to understand and apologize for hurting and neglecting him. yes, he was trying to hold back until they were married. but he could still jerk off by himself or do anything with kaede that wasn't putting it in. but kaede was too drugged up to move. he was actually physically incapable of handling it by himself and it was really cruel to leave him like that until he fainted from pain.

    crow July 13, 2021 1:37 pm
    yeah. that conversation ended up being cut off and dropped when he turned into a wolf. but i really want him to understand and apologize for hurting and neglecting him. yes, he was trying to hold back until the... KaiGavin

    and i used to think the same way? until i saw how he sees things from his perspective when he was basically drugged up at the same time. in order for him not to 'return to the ancestor' they say the drugs blocked emotions but looking from his perspective, our little rabbit was a white blob. he wasn't a person, or something he had to look after. under the influence of the drugs, he just followed directions to the best of his ability and couldn't think much past that. until the scene where the rabbit yelled at him, then things SLOWLY started clicking into place. although they didn't show the scene, i know that he probably feels horrible about the way he treated him- but ren's memories of being under the drug aren't great either. bringing up those wounds would just hurt both parties, in my opinion. it's not like ren was just drunk or something either, the drug completely changes how he sees the world. i wouldn't get angry at my spouse after they got off drugs like that for something he practically had no control over. just my opinion

    yuki July 19, 2021 4:47 am
    and i used to think the same way? until i saw how he sees things from his perspective when he was basically drugged up at the same time. in order for him not to 'return to the ancestor' they say the drugs block... crow

    i agree with u i used to really be angry at ren but he was literally on drugs the poor child. its yushis fault