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Personally didn’t enjoy this story as much as I hoped I would. The black-haired guy got ...

Ireally❤LeviAckerman July 10, 2021 7:53 am

Personally didn’t enjoy this story as much as I hoped I would. The black-haired guy got on my nerves immediately. I’m guess that’s what the author wanted, but I just can’t seem to actually like the character at all—even after they became boyfriends.
It just seems unreal to me. He moved on too fast to the MC. Like immediately after getting his heartbroken, he hooked up w MC. He showed no interest in the MC throughout the chapters leading to the hookup either.
However, I’ll admit that this story did have some funny panels. I really enjoyed those. I especially adored the reason behind them being naked in bed together! Made me laugh; I honestly didn’t expect it LOL.
