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This chap reminded me of a random slightly related opinion that i have. The existence of r...

anaisbby July 11, 2021 3:52 am

This chap reminded me of a random slightly related opinion that i have. The existence of readily available spoilers kind of make some books lose their potency. I love spoilers always have. i read the plots of
movies before i watch them and i read the last chapter of books first but all of those things require a certain bit of labour on my part and aren’t easily accessible to
me. The reason i bring it up here is i think the spoiler about the MLs trauma with women being so
easily accessible ruined the reveal a little. We are supposed to root for the FL. we know how nice she is and how misunderstood she is and in contrast the ML acts cold towards her and is standoffish to his daughter. The audience are supposed to root for FL and then be shocked by hearing his trauma. just in the same way the ML wrongly perceives the things FL does we and the FL wrongly perceive the MLs emotions and just like the characters in the book were forced to
confront how our pre conceived notions are harmful. I get it people in the comments didn’t want to see people victim blame but that’s the point ? you’re supposed to victim blame and resent and then realise you were going wrong alongside the FL. i feel like the message gets lost when we hand feed people plot points and this isn’t me telling people not to it’s just a point of view i thought some might find interesting
