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SORA the RunawaY July 12, 2021 1:33 pm

Is people sayin how much they love Jisoo bit no one tellin why and I'd really like to know. I mean, people comment on Hwayeon and they go on about her character development, but Jisoo is only "She's so hot" or "MC better end up with Jisoo, but why?? I mean, aside from the fact that she's into bikes, why the hell is she so interesting to y'all?

    marijana July 12, 2021 1:42 pm

    Because tall cool girl very hot, but honestly yeah rn she isnt that interrsting

    kambedaiske July 12, 2021 1:47 pm

    bc hot tall motorcycle woman duh

    Acequinz July 12, 2021 1:48 pm

    Because hwayeon clearly seems shady and from the latest chapter we know she's a manipulative one.

    Whereas Jisoo hasn't shown anything bad till now.

    So for now Jisoo is good and seems like the best option for the mc, other than the fact that she rides bike and is sexy she also doesn't seem to be trying to manipulate mc into anything!!!!

    SORA the RunawaY July 12, 2021 1:51 pm
    bc hot tall motorcycle woman duh kambedaiske

    Have you not been to a pride parade? There are always plenty of us out there, so I guess I don't get the appeal just because of that. I love bikes, but that's not somethin that would save this character for me. Some real development would, though.

    SORA the RunawaY July 12, 2021 1:53 pm
    Because hwayeon clearly seems shady and from the latest chapter we know she's a manipulative one. Whereas Jisoo hasn't shown anything bad till now. So for now Jisoo is good and seems like the best option fo... Acequinz

    She's using her as a substitute, isn't she? Sounds pretty manipulative to me. I think everyone in this story is manipulative in their own way. If Jisoo manages to get a real personality, then my opinion may change, but for now I just don't care for her. Tbh though, I don't really care for any of the characters. It's more of an "If I have to choose" thing on my part. I just wanna go back to talkin about motorcycles, cause that was the best part of this story ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Cause literally nothin else of real interest has happened and I'm just gettin disappointed.

    kambedaiske July 12, 2021 2:20 pm
    Have you not been to a pride parade? There are always plenty of us out there, so I guess I don't get the appeal just because of that. I love bikes, but that's not somethin that would save this character for me.... SORA the RunawaY

    i was just joking

    Acequinz July 12, 2021 3:17 pm
    Have you not been to a pride parade? There are always plenty of us out there, so I guess I don't get the appeal just because of that. I love bikes, but that's not somethin that would save this character for me.... SORA the RunawaY

    I haven't been to a pride parade, there's not a lot of sapphic women around me, even if they are. They are hard to find even when using dating apps(because men try to catfish queer women).

    And it's a fictional character that is very sexy and rides a bike. What's wrong with that? People have their types.

    Acequinz July 12, 2021 3:20 pm
    She's using her as a substitute, isn't she? Sounds pretty manipulative to me. I think everyone in this story is manipulative in their own way. If Jisoo manages to get a real personality, then my opinion may cha... SORA the RunawaY

    How do we know Jisoo is using her as a substitute? Because of one comment about how the mc doesn't look like someone else?

    That could mean anything... Where hwayeon is very clearly manipulating the mc.

    So far hwayeon is the only one actively manipulating anyone in the story. She's clearly doing it with a purpose, she's trying to manipulate the mc into sticking with her because of her personal issues.

    Yeah we need to know more about Jisoo, but among the two options we have for the mc. The better one is Jisoo.

    Moonriver July 12, 2021 4:01 pm
    Have you not been to a pride parade? There are always plenty of us out there, so I guess I don't get the appeal just because of that. I love bikes, but that's not somethin that would save this character for me.... SORA the RunawaY

    "There are always plenty of us out there" welllll (=・ω・=) ... want my number?

    Hahaha im kidding. But im not, but actually I am.

    SORA the RunawaY July 13, 2021 12:23 am
    How do we know Jisoo is using her as a substitute? Because of one comment about how the mc doesn't look like someone else? That could mean anything... Where hwayeon is very clearly manipulating the mc. So far... Acequinz

    Oh lol I'm not denying Hwayeon is manipulative. I wouldn't, but Jisoo doesn't really have much goin and when we're already this far in, I feel the author should be letting us know more. By this point, we've established the MC's relationship with Hwayeon, how they met, how Hwayeon feels about it, more more and more about Hwayeon. Still, there's hardly a thing about the MC's story aside from her obsession with Jisoo and there's been even less development with Jisoo's entire character. That makes for bad story telling and I also don't get liking a character just cause their aesthetically pleasing. To each their own, but it's just not my cup of tea. Basically, I feel we need more from the MC and Jisoo before I could even formulate a full opinion of their characters and that's disappointed me. However, thanks for your opinion. Whether it differs from mine or not, it's always nice to hear others thoughts on these things.

    SORA the RunawaY July 13, 2021 12:24 am
    i was just joking kambedaiske

    ╥﹏╥ my bad, buddy...

    SORA the RunawaY July 13, 2021 12:28 am
    "There are always plenty of us out there" welllll (=・ω・=) ... want my number? ....Hahaha im kidding. But im not, but actually I am. Moonriver

    (▰˘◡˘▰) You're very kind, but

    I have a girlfriend