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This is BS man. Just that it's licensed doesn't mean scanalators should stop. Look at view...

Anonymous September 19, 2016 4:28 pm

This is BS man. Just that it's licensed doesn't mean scanalators should stop. Look at viewfinder, ten count, vampire knight, just about almost many mangas are freakin licensed and this is an exception?

What about Naruto, bleach, and one piece? Then that should've been stopped but it didn't.

    Nonni September 24, 2016 6:21 pm
    I talked crearly and i gave my reasons but she came to talk without even reading it all and i didnt wont to be mean she is the won whom wanted this now please im not for the mood to talk okay !! @gu

    That is understandable, but if you are so worried about what your parents might think, think on this. It is not hard to find a person's internet history - even after deletes, so they could still find out what you are reading, thus your reasoning for not having access to this manga is thin. And the government can also access your online traffic if need be. It is actually safer to have paper copies of things that are not legal than electronic ones. Good day.

    gu. September 24, 2016 6:30 pm

    Cows with no minds :) i only can say this too u and have good day too :))

    gu. September 24, 2016 6:41 pm
    Mangago is basically a porn website. And then there's the people you're ignoring telling you yaoi is 18+.All I was saying though, is that if it's there cool enjoy it, whatever, the boo boo has already been made... Nnene

    First its not a porn web site and there is mangas with deffirent topic stories ect not only echchi and sex so how u can call it a porn web site second when u read your first yaoi manga u really was 18+ and third making a manga or any other book is not really for money is more than money when a writer write something he wish all the world and people could see what did he write no matter what what is their abilities and who they are now if all the people could by their own copy or can understan japenese will be here today a place called mangago and will u have the ability to share the same things and your opinions with people around the world ?? Sorry sis but u are only lying to yourself

    gu. September 24, 2016 6:42 pm
    That is understandable, but if you are so worried about what your parents might think, think on this. It is not hard to find a person's internet history - even after deletes, so they could still find out what y... @Nonni

    Go and complete the other comments than come to talk,:))

    gu. September 24, 2016 6:52 pm
    Mangago is basically a porn website. And then there's the people you're ignoring telling you yaoi is 18+.All I was saying though, is that if it's there cool enjoy it, whatever, the boo boo has already been made... Nnene

    Another thing my adult sis when a mangaka enjoy the sales it doesnt means he is happy cuz of money it means he is happy cuz a lot of people are buying his manga cuz the love his work so much and this is thing that an adult pale like u cant understand cuz she is flate as hell

    Nnene September 24, 2016 7:10 pm
    First its not a porn web site and there is mangas with deffirent topic stories ect not only echchi and sex so how u can call it a porn web site second when u read your first yaoi manga u really was 18+ and thi... gu.

    People come here more for the yaoi than anything else. In any case, this is a website containing porn.

    Actually, I was in my late 17 years old. Not because I was a good girl lol, just because I had no interest into it before.

    In any case, I'm not the one shaming people about going onto porn websites. Sheesh. That's not even supposed to be an insult.

    And lol, stop it with the stereotype that artists are all doing it for charity. Sure, they love their job and even if it doesn't sell well that's not going to stop them, but they're cases in which the author has come to understand their work wasn't that good to begin with, explaining the poor sales. Or they didn't advertise themselves well enough (that's a key to a great career).

    They do wish many people get to read it, but that doesn't mean they support the stealing of their work for that to happen. Unless, well, it wasn't selling good to begin with and they're desperate for attention.

    Not all artists write with the intent that all the world reads it (what the heck? why all the same goal? And worldwide = money ;)). Most Japanese authors write with exclusively their Japanese audience in mind, because well that's where the good chunk of their money comes from.

    Now, there are always exceptions, but that's basically what it is with your typical artist.

    And really, for whatever the reason they're doing it, you'll support them living in the borders of poverty? Are you that self-centered?

    It's still their day job.

    And publishers without money cannot support artists.

    My two cents as an artist knowing lots of other artists in a variety of professions. You're the one deluding yourself. Very few I know don't dream to have a decent salary, even though they'll continue even if they don't get it, because at least they love their job. They'd be mad though if stealing is the cause of it.

    Nnene September 24, 2016 7:12 pm

    Oh, and on top of the publishers, don't forget there are people working in the editing departments and such helping the author to get to the final product. Authors are not the only ones driving the industry.

    gu. September 24, 2016 7:24 pm
    Oh, and on top of the publishers, don't forget there are people working in the editing departments and such helping the author to get to the final product. Authors are not the only ones driving the industry. Nnene

    Omg how much u take time to wrote it :)) ??? Well in the end i didnt tell them to do it for me for free y'know and u came talking and u wasn't even an adult in that time and i wont waste my time of reading infos i already knew ;-) i just told u not all the people have the ability to buy copies and if u was like us u will feel the same i do feel happy when a mangaka i love got the best sales so he could continue working for new volumes but i just wished i could have a copies and not all the people are coming for yaoi and you know that anyway u are the one who was mean at the first place and this new spaper u wrote was just useless and please stop talking like u are a mangaka or something cuz u are not :)))

    Nnene September 24, 2016 7:28 pm
    Omg how much u take time to wrote it :)) ??? Well in the end i didnt tell them to do it for me for free y'know and u came talking and u wasn't even an adult in that time and i wont waste my time of reading info... gu.

    Hmm, 10 minutes max?

    You said that you were reading scanlations and tried to excuse it with "they don't want money anyway, they want me and all the world to read it regardless". That's what I responded to.

    Nnene September 24, 2016 7:30 pm

    And so what if I wasn't an adult? I just said it was 18+ because you didn't seem to realize you were reading porn yourself, and found it funny you were always avoiding the comment about that xD.

    I personally really don't care about what age people watch or read porn.

    Nonni September 24, 2016 7:32 pm
    First its not a porn web site and there is mangas with deffirent topic stories ect not only echchi and sex so how u can call it a porn web site second when u read your first yaoi manga u really was 18+ and thi... gu.

    Sexually explicit images - whether drawn or real - are considered porn. Mangago may have other genres of manga, but this manga is porn, it is sexually explicit and you are deluding yourself if you think it is not. And, as a part time artist (who actually makes money from selling my work) I would not work for free. I own most of this series and am searching for a few editions, but I don't like reading this around my kids - as they will get wrecked - plus
    I don't want my kids to read this until they are old enough. You complaining because you cannot have this for free is just selfish, and rather spoiled - take what is available and be happy.

    gu. September 24, 2016 7:51 pm
    And so what if I wasn't an adult? I just said it was 18+ because you didn't seem to realize you were reading porn yourself, and found it funny you were always avoiding the comment about that xD.I personally rea... Nnene

    And what if im not 18+ huh ? I didnt avoid the porn subject i didnt want to talk about it cuz u didnt understand what i meant when i talked about it at the first place another thing there is a deffirent between a real porn and a pornish manga and u do know what the deffirence was so i really know that i do read a porn but not all the porn are the same even if its all porn after all there is types right :v :v ?? So to compare between a pornish manga and real porn is too impossible and in the znd i wasnt shaming people for nothing cuz after all the most of people watched porn so please correct your infos :))

    Nnene September 24, 2016 7:52 pm

    Just to precise lol, just like anyone I'd find a child reading this concerning, but I do think 18 years old is quite arbitrary. It's strict as its purpose is to be a law, but I believe some 15 years old can handle it just fine as well.

    Nnene September 24, 2016 7:53 pm
    And what if im not 18+ huh ? I didnt avoid the porn subject i didnt want to talk about it cuz u didnt understand what i meant when i talked about it at the first place another thing there is a deffirent between... gu.

    The difference being that drawn porn is for momma's girls and filmed porn for sluts?

    gu. September 24, 2016 7:53 pm
    Sexually explicit images - whether drawn or real - are considered porn. Mangago may have other genres of manga, but this manga is porn, it is sexually explicit and you are deluding yourself if you think it is n... @Nonni

    I just was saying its unfair right ?? In god sake where is the mistake i did when i said that ?? If u was in my place will it be fair for ??

    Nnene September 24, 2016 8:02 pm
    I just was saying its unfair right ?? In god sake where is the mistake i did when i said that ?? If u was in my place will it be fair for ?? gu.

    Nah, it's when you said "totally agree besides the manga already over so there is no problem to complete translating the two last volumes". It being unfair to you doesn't mean everyone should go pirating mangas for you. It doesn't make it "no problem", not even if the manga is finished (and it's only finished in Japan, the English version is not completely finished ;)).

    Though this thread went overboard, probably because of misunderstandings leading to people repeating their point over and over, I'd have to agree with that lol.

    Nonni September 24, 2016 8:07 pm
    I just was saying its unfair right ?? In god sake where is the mistake i did when i said that ?? If u was in my place will it be fair for ?? gu.

    I don't want my kids to read this, guess that makes me a mean and unfair mom, and life is not fair, nor is everything free for the taking. If your parents would freak over you having paper copies of this, then they will freak over you having access to electronic copies of sexual acts between two men - representation of sexual acts is pornography - drawn or live. I don't care how old you are, if your parents don't allow it, that is up to them, move out and be an adult if you find their policies unfair. And complaining because Strawberry Scanlations is not willing to break the law for you is not fair to them.

    Nnene September 24, 2016 9:01 pm
    Still no answer huh... ┗( T﹏T )┛ @Anonymous

    Oh sorry, I was away aha.

    It's not. I'm all for such free rights, and it's wrong (assuming you're at the adult age. If not, this isn't the only thing your parent refuse you that you think is unfair I'd assume lol). So that's my perspective at the very least, obviously not from your country's lol. But my point is, it doesn't make it right to make it unfair to the author just because you are under such circumstances that are out of control from them. Which is not done by reading it (if you had no means to support it anyway, if you do though it'd be ideal to continue to read a series only if you intend to support it?), but by scanlating it, thus also letting other the people that could buy it but are too cheap to just read it for free. Mmh, now that seems less charitable huh?

    The industry as a whole is not going to flat out die as long as hugely popular series exist (and they do work incredibly hard to keep getting new ones), but it's indeed hurting it quite a lot. Especially the smaller artists, which have series translated in English barely selling a hundred copies at all (which is why such niche genres don't get much titles licensed in English, but interestingly lesser popular mangas do get to thrive much more in the French and German manga industries...), and the bigger series don't get the chance to get to their full potential.

    Seriously, couldn't the smaller artists get to have even a bit more money, is the people reading their work for free really worth more than their well being getting better, even if only a little bit?

    Another interesting fact is that 20-30% of this website's traffic is purely American.

    Not that this has anything to do with you, but related to that subject, I find it extremely fishy when people try to tell that scanlations help the industry... I honestly think it potentially could, like if they scanlated about 10% of the series or something, making people be able to judge if they're going to like it more than the 5 pages demo they usually give you lol, but not by scanlating the WHOLE series. That just makes it tempting for someone to read it in one night and jump to another series the next day. It's like many scanlators make these brain gymnastics just to justify themselves continuing to scanlate a series lol. Which is tempting, as it's like they're the artists they're stealing the work from (getting praised, having suddenly so much attention and all lol) but without putting nearly as much effort.

    And even if it was to help, don't you think it's in the publishers and authors rights to handle the distribution of their own work however they want to? They're not even close to being basic human needs! You could very well live without that series (hopefully ;)). It's just making the PRs job a whole lot more complicated actually, with many things completely out of their control such as a scanlation team suddenly popping up and scanlating one of the series they're currently licensing...

    I say be happy if it's scanlated, just don't get mad at anyone if it's not? I think you're in great luck that these sort of websites exist despite having the industry desperately trying to witch hunt them behind the curtains. Honestly, the rest will probably be scanlated someday anyway, albeit with a probably very fishy quality.

    Anyway, I think you'd agree with that, and I was just getting misunderstood a bit? :)

    There's still the summaries if you want to know what happened, and you probably could use them along with the raws!

    Anonymous September 25, 2016 12:57 am
    Oh sorry, I was away aha.It's not. I'm all for such free rights, and it's wrong (assuming you're at the adult age. If not, this isn't the only thing your parent refuse you that you think is unfair I'd assume lo... Nnene

    Nnene September 25, 2016 1:27 am @Anonymous

    ...Is there a point you're trying to make?
    Yes, many countries punish homosexuality, I'm aware...?