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How did this woman get to be a Reiki Lord? She’s emotional, irrational, impatient, judg...

Hattiert July 13, 2021 9:03 pm

How did this woman get to be a Reiki Lord? She’s emotional, irrational, impatient, judgmental and has the wisdom of a gnat. Guess the bar must be set pretty low

    shimiko July 15, 2021 8:33 pm

    lmao yess she didn't even bothered INVESTIGATING if the locket was hers or to whom it belongs to. and if she were really friends with the fl's mom WOULDNT SHE HAD RECOGNIZED HER FACE?? CONSIDERING THEY LOOK ALIKE???

    Hattiert July 15, 2021 8:57 pm
    lmao yess she didn't even bothered INVESTIGATING if the locket was hers or to whom it belongs to. and if she were really friends with the fl's mom WOULDNT SHE HAD RECOGNIZED HER FACE?? CONSIDERING THEY LOOK ALI... shimiko

    You’re right. I was just going off her childish emotional outburst, but she’s been a clueless naive fool from the beginning and got scammed. She’s a slap in the face to Reiki Lords everywhere.

    Swankyfeet July 23, 2021 12:28 am

    Exactly! Her sense of self importance be overflowing her tiny cup