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Stormborn September 23, 2016 9:01 pm

I don't completely understand what's going on. I mean I know what his problem is, but not what Sakuragawa said to make it come to that... did he think it's work for him or...?

    Noisymura September 23, 2016 9:15 pm

    That's right.
    Takumi thought it was a real date and enjoyed it but then Sakuragawa asked him if they were going back to the shop , how it was called, about paying ... Which implied that he thought Takumi was just working as always. So Takumi got hurt since he understood that Sakuragawa invited him as a host not "the real him", that it wasn't special...

    Stormborn September 23, 2016 9:48 pm
    That's right. Takumi thought it was a real date and enjoyed it but then Sakuragawa asked him if they were going back to the shop , how it was called, about paying ... Which implied that he thought Takumi was ju... Noisymura

    aaaaah ok, now I get it!! Ah poor him :(
    And he also didn't deserve that slap -.- but well... it's merely a story after all.

    Noisymura September 24, 2016 11:23 am
    aaaaah ok, now I get it!! Ah poor him :(And he also didn't deserve that slap -.- but well... it's merely a story after all. Stormborn

    Yeah he didn't deserve it at all I agree. When I read it the first time I was like "what ??? why ?" and got angry but well like you said it's merely a story ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~