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Coffee July 15, 2021 1:18 am

What’s this shoujo mangas name?
So it’s those typical mangas where it takes place in a historical setting and the MC lives with her step mom (who used to be a noble) and her little step sister, and her dad (commoner). The MC is always doing house chores while the step mom is relaxing around and being a bitch. And the step mom is always wasting money on lavish clothings for her little sister. (Anyways, the MC is the typical “hated” child)
One day, the MC asks the step mom that she got accepted to this rlly good school and that she wants to attend there, only to be told that she can’t go cuz they need her to take care of the house and make money for her lil sister.
Because of this, the MC runs away from her home (dressed as a boy) and meets this noble. And when she meets him, the noble tells her how she has like special eyes or magic(?) that is needed to help cure the noble dude from magic or some type of illness. (I honestly forgot). So then, she gets picked up by this noble guy and lives a happier life with him and so far, the dad is the only one regretting that the MC left.
If anyone knows the title, please tell me! Also, sorry for the rlly long desc.
