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Ugh my heart hurts!! I always end up being more sympathetic to the one the presents themse...

Danikunnn July 20, 2021 7:37 am

Ugh my heart hurts!! I always end up being more sympathetic to the one the presents themself as an ‘option’ and in this case its doha its just so heartbreaking and sad but i also cant blame the seme for his feelings and like I CANT get fully mad at him because doha and him started dating while understanding that their feelings for one another aren’t the same!!!! I just feel so sad for doha because he’s doing the only thing he believes he can to have a chance even if it means hurting and being in a lot of pain TT hope the teacher gets out of the picture because to be frank im vibing out some slight possessiveness gahhh. If seme keeps treating like doha as an after-thought im gonna start hatin him for real gggrrrr
