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Ngl, Fl is annoying

Ami~ July 20, 2021 8:55 am

I will say that Ml has done a lot of things that don’t deserve accolades but Fl really grinds my gears. She legit trusts everyone but Ml and blames him for everything that’s going wrong (understandable but at the same time completely irrational). Everyone may be shitting on the Ml but I will not simply because he has no one to stand with him. No one to tell him what’s wrong or right meanwhile Fl has friends and family that supported her from day one. I know that the truth will come out and I hope they all regret it.

They think that Ml’s thoughts are irrational, but who taught him to be rational to begin with? Who was there for him as a kid when no one wanted to have anything to do with him? Even the Fl had ulterior motives when she first approached him.

Everyone may fight with Ml and disagree with him but I won’t. I hope it’s not too late for them to communicate effectively. Their relationship is toxic and Ml is obsessed with a person who doesn’t trust him but ‘loves’ him.
I pray they don’t end up together but we all know they will…
I’ll drop this for now cuz the bias in this story is so skewed and the comments are everyone’s opinions on this so I ain’t gonna fight about it.
