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Let me just say that I dislike that Hyunwoo fellow. He does NOT deserve Dohyun. He is noth...

Soti July 23, 2021 12:23 pm

Let me just say that I dislike that Hyunwoo fellow. He does NOT deserve Dohyun. He is nothing but a motherfucking hypocrite.
I hope Ryeojoon and Hamin will call him out for what he truly is. He gave them all a hard time but here he is being all lovey-dovey and then he wants to use the excuse that he was scared? Fuck that!
He was a fucking homophobe! I will forever hope that Dohyun meets someone better.

P.S: I don't care what anybody else thinks so keep your contrary opinion to yourself. Thank you.

    Soti July 24, 2021 1:25 pm
    bro why are you still replying if you dont want ppl to lecture you lmao your logic is so backwards tsugutsugu

    Just like your entire existence is backward. This is MY comment. You’re the intruder, but clearly you’re too slow to pick on the fact that you are the one that needs to get the fuck out!

    Imagine the nerve of this lout.

    tsugutsugu July 24, 2021 1:32 pm
    Just like your entire existence is backward. This is MY comment. You’re the intruder, but clearly you’re too slow to pick on the fact that you are the one that needs to get the fuck out!Imagine the nerve of... Soti

    your comment is literally public why did you expect ppl not to comment on it lol

    Soti July 24, 2021 1:57 pm
    your comment is literally public why did you expect ppl not to comment on it lol tsugutsugu

    Now you are just being deliberately stupid and contradicting yourself. It's like you are trying so hard to engage in a conversation with me and I am getting bored of you.

    This is a public platform, yes. I posted my comment publicly, yes. But I did say if you have a contrary opinion, you can keep it to yourself cos I don't give a shit what you think and I'm still gonna stand by what I said. So what is the reason behind this futile mission of yours?

    Now you are complaining that I am still responding to comments under my own comment and I'm appalled by the sheer stupidity of that statement. It’s like coming to someone’s house to insult them and still wonder why they are responding to you.

    Take your cheap attention-seeking ass elsewhere. I’m done with your raggedy ass.

    Huh January 26, 2024 1:48 am

    Bro you should be the one to shut the fuck up, your spounting nonsense and you think what he is saying that he is scared is a excuse is fucking stupid, he was concerned about them, and you should know that in this plot that if they broke up or like people knew it would be fuckig over for them, I mean if you read with yours eyes open you would know dumb fuck. and how the fuck is he homophobic? He ended up with the pink hair, and honestly he is the only one in this stupid manga to have a fucking brain.And PS BITCH No one gives a fuck about your senseless comment and stupidity. And you think the main couple are better? They are fucking mental at this point and think that everything is fine if it’s them, their delusional.

    Huh January 26, 2024 1:50 am

    And honestly I don’t care if you made this a long time ago this is still fucking stupid

    Soti January 26, 2024 7:22 am
    And honestly I don’t care if you made this a long time ago this is still fucking stupid Huh

    Looooool! I'm not even gonna address most of the senseless and neurotic statements you just made because like you said, I made this comment a long time ago and I can't even start arguing my points with someone whose brain is clearly sick over a comment I barely even remember.

    I'm only gonna address one things; firstly, you said no one gives a fuck about what I wrote but here you are writing an epistle on it like a menopausal termagant. Please, find something meaningful to do with yourself and go bother someone who cares.