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I think,, if stories is not available here people might not gonna read in legal too... Jus...

Fujoshi who ❤'s smut July 23, 2021 6:26 pm

I think,, if stories is not available here people might not gonna read in legal too... Just there's that feeling... Because we are here cause we are broke,, there's no way that after deleting stories suddenly readers gonna have money and read legally.. I know we can earn ink by playing games!? I guess but it's became time consuming.. If this site is gone or any stories deleted I'm gonna stop reading anything.... Just my thoughts..

    yona July 23, 2021 6:28 pm

    sadly i agree :((((( ugh im just attached to some of the stories here i feel sad to think that i have to let them go

    Fujoshi who ❤'s smut July 23, 2021 6:30 pm
    sadly i agree :((((( ugh im just attached to some of the stories here i feel sad to think that i have to let them go yona

    Me too.. And literally every stories are been deleted or going to be delete... I hate this so much..

    dio’s massive tits July 23, 2021 6:33 pm

    like if people are freely reading without pay- taking the site down is just gonna make them go to another illegal site…

    Fujoshi who ❤'s smut July 23, 2021 6:39 pm
    like if people are freely reading without pay- taking the site down is just gonna make them go to another illegal site… dio’s massive tits


    Mei July 23, 2021 6:40 pm

    Yes they think if this site down, we move to legal site. No we don't. We don't f*cing move. I respect all the artist ( not include YD ) . I just eyesore those legal reader who think they're hero. S*it.

    Eliona July 23, 2021 6:41 pm

    That would be a most likely the case
    Some people don't have that kind of determination and persistent you know
    In my case i liked Man of virtue. I really liked that one but it got removed so i tried legal site. But shit doesn't work for me. Idk i read one two more chapters using legal site then i gave up and forget about it
    And just like that these manhwa's will be forgotten by poor