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Wtf is everyone babbling about?

elfiemouse July 19, 2023 7:02 am

There is NO CHEATING. Dear lord what genius is tagging this? The MC was just hiding the guy in his house because he was on the run from the law. Reading comprehension please before trashing a story with 4 chapters out.

It’s just a love triangle, seems very interesting and angsty too.

    Exploits July 21, 2023 7:03 am

    Lols you're absolutely right about the current chapters released, but we don't know about untranslated chapters. Whoever stated it is cheating should have clarified, or .they made a premature judgement.

    Rin April 22, 2024 11:15 am


    I'm not sure if you've already read more chapters but....
    There is cheating actually. I've read the other version with different names and the mc cheats on red hair when he's away on some interrogation or smth. He does it willingly and then simply tells the red hair let's break up. He doesn't even apologise. It's fine that he loved someone else(even though spoilers: he confesses to the red hair soon later) but he was still in a relationship and wore a ring(which he took off after the deed). And it's so frustrating coz we think ok he cheated so he must love the other guy or atleast NOT love the red hair guy but then when the red hair asks him ... Did you ever think of me when you were with him or ever love me?'s monologue is like,,, ohhh you're always in my heart and I'm like this because of that. I'm like what??? The thing is even after cheating...he remains confused. Until the last chapter.... there's just back forth back n forth. Then last few panels of reunion and the end. Lol... Sorry if you've already finished it and I'm just bombarding your notification, but I thought I'll clarify.

    elfiemouse April 23, 2024 6:32 am
    Um SPOILERS I'm not sure if you've already read more chapters but....There is cheating actually. I've read the other version with different names and the mc cheats on red hair when he's away on some interrogati... Rin

    Oh lol. I actually never read beyond like ch 4, guess I’m eating my words now. This sounds hilariously melodramatic though, I’m going to read it…

    Rin April 23, 2024 7:41 am
    Oh lol. I actually never read beyond like ch 4, guess I’m eating my words now. This sounds hilariously melodramatic though, I’m going to read it… elfiemouse

    Omg now I feel super bad for making you re read something like this shit show haha. Btw the name is Special Relationship law- and it has 48 chapters here and rest I saw the raws, but not that it gets any better lol. There's cheating, not enough reason for it and all the wrong reasons for it haha. Maybe it's just a bad piece. I heart it was released back in 2000? That's wild but did the storylines used to be like that back then ?