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Omg how adorable are they with the handholding and cuddling and shit. And Jix is us, witho...

kuroosbedhead July 23, 2023 4:34 pm

Omg how adorable are they with the handholding and cuddling and shit. And Jix is us, without any filter and tact
But damn I kinda would have liked to see more of serams reaction to Theos laugh!!
The impersonating knights are probably from that dude that also was behind the Lilith flower

    tittysprinkles July 23, 2023 11:11 pm

    Agree on the laugh. In fact, it made me think of the scene in Max Mojave where Max hears Chris really laughing for the for time in reaction to something he says. He blushes and has a bit of internal dialogue about it.