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Damn Fiona is a freaking beast, full on pulverizing that dude! It’s hella concerning tha...

kuroosbedhead July 23, 2023 4:43 pm

Damn Fiona is a freaking beast, full on pulverizing that dude! It’s hella concerning that she does that for loid though, like snap out of it I mean her trust and loyalty in him is admirable but this is a bit more, I really am excited for her backstory bc that shit must be hella tragic

    Sasifras July 23, 2023 11:51 pm

    I love that it's "You can't have emotional attachments in this line of work."
    And she just goes, "B*tch, that's what makes me stronger."

    kuroosbedhead July 24, 2023 10:14 am
    I love that it's "You can't have emotional attachments in this line of work."And she just goes, "B*tch, that's what makes me stronger." Sasifras

    Yeah that was so awesome and then when he hits him with the you’re afraid to die line.
    So badass!