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It’s a no for me

plinky25 July 30, 2023 10:08 pm

It looks like from the spoilers, everyone is messed up. The MC, brown/red head, and black hair. (Imma call them that since they’re called so many different names). I personally don’t like any of them. Black hair did messed up things in order to get MC back. Brown/red head, made me feel super uncomfy with how it felt like he was controlling in the relationship and basically teaming up with the MC’s own mother to keep him by his side.

Here is where the actual spoilers are important, I skimmed the raws and looked at the last two chapters and honestly it told me exactly how overdramatic this story is for no reason. Black hair is alive. Pretends to have amnesia, brown/red head was the one who personally sent MC to black hair (I’m unsure of whether he really thought black hair had amnesia or helped plan this meeting knowing black hair didn’t have amnesia). Either way, seems like brown/red head let MC go. MC was upset but ended up kissing more than once with black hair, possibly sleeping with him (didn’t see the actual scene only afterwards black hair was shirtless in bed). MC left black hair. Looks like he left when black hair was asleep and didn’t see him again. Brown/red head and MC meet at the very end, MC chases after him- confesses and they kiss.

My evaluation: MC goes back and forth between both dudes even until the end. Crap ending/story. I didn’t read any of the chapters in the middle, so idk much about cheating. In my opinion, when they were in high school- I wouldn’t have minded black hair and MC getting together because it felt so suffocating and controlling when brown/red head and his mother were tryna keep MC tied to brown/red head. But idk what happened in between, so who knows. I couldn’t be bothered to actually read it because the MC is so indecisive.

    Watsup July 31, 2023 12:43 am

    Thanks dawg, you saved me from wasting time on this (⌒▽⌒)

    。约娜 November 12, 2023 9:22 am

    Thanks so much for this, didn't know if I wanted to read it all the way to the end!

    But anyways, Ethan was a horrible person, to be fair I wouldn't even give Silas any credit either. Nor even to the MC.

    In the beginning it was definitely very toxic between Ethan and MC so I would understand why MC did stuff with Silas, however later on MC is a full on adult and should be able to choose - but i'm assuming due to past trauma it was hard

    For Silas, I have a lot of mixed opinions on him.

    Rin April 22, 2024 11:06 am


    So I read it too and the MC does cheat after coming back from abroad. Willingly. Then he tells the red hair to break up and when the red head asks him if he ever thought of him while he was with the other guy, he's like ohhh you're always in my heart, I'm like this because of you. I mean wth? He went and slept with someone else coz this guy is in his heart? Lol.

    Also I agree both seme are messed up and it would've been fine if mc and the black hair guy ended up together if they were together since school. But we know the red head made so much effort after the mc went abroad. He didn't deserve to get cheated on. Cheaters are trash, it can't be excused (not like the partner here is abusive. I see people defending it woah). He should've broken up before f***ing someone else. Still the mc acts like he's the biggest victim and sufferer. Till the last chapter he's in the arms of one then the other. Ant tbh I don't believe his confession even once... it's just the author has made it numb. He said I love you when red head was about to off himself then he's all sab about the back hair again. His monologue when the red hair leaves him with the black hair is all like he realised he can breath with the red hair and has woken up but just a few days and he's kissing the black hair...then he's sleeping with him. Looool. Finally one year break, he doesn't look for anyone and then he sees the red hair and confesses again. I really can't feel anything from his words, especially after he promised that he'd not make red hair sad again ever...and then he went and cheated for the first time and took off his ring...he didn't feel remorse, he offed it and said I'm following my heart. So what even is in his heart, neither his words not his actions seen trustworthy. I just can't believe him even when he's supposed to be telling the truth. Idk. Plus something that instantly ruins a story for me is CHEATING/NTR, which is surprisingly being taken lightly here(and in many webtoons where it's the bottom who's cheating instead of the top) which is really a double standard(not talking about you personally).

    chocobuun April 22, 2024 1:39 pm
    Spoilers So I read it too and the MC does cheat after coming back from abroad. Willingly. Then he tells the red hair to break up and when the red head asks him if he ever thought of him while he was with the ot... Rin

    OOf what a roller coaster. Sounds similar to love bite. Where the bottom is mc and he has a first love, but doesn’t get with him. Has an ideal bf years later but reunites with first love and constantly cheats w/ the first love. He goes back and forth between them and by the end he chooses his ideal bf. But he also once stalked the ideal bf and saw him talking to a girl and had the audacity to be angry assuming he’s cheating (like he did). They end up together too since the ideal bf is a pushover who doesn’t care and loves the mc no matter what he does.

    Anyways you’re right about the double standard. Though I believe it’s gotten better over the years and there WILL be readers who will always point out how messed up a character it is (both bottom and top). But it’s definitely true that bottoms that are cheaters/indecisive get away with a whole lot and are excused just cause they may have “trauma” or are just babies in general. That’s not just the readers, it’s also the characters in the story who let the bottom mc off with no consequences. It’s funny cause I saw someone who was complaining about how they think more people judge bottoms for sleeping around than tops. Which a handful of commenters disagreed with that opinion including me. It can be both that are hated on, but tops are the ones that are always openly hated for sleeping around lmao. A lot of times people don’t acknowledge the Uke’s cheating/sleeping around due to babying them or think “yes queen! Go do whatever you want!”

    Rin April 22, 2024 2:03 pm
    OOf what a roller coaster. Sounds similar to love bite. Where the bottom is mc and he has a first love, but doesn’t get with him. Has an ideal bf years later but reunites with first love and constantly cheats... chocobuun

    Omggggg preach. You're the king/queen for calling a spade a spade. This was literally a shit show. Yknow it's not even about top or bottom but we just hate to see people degrading themselves in the name of love and other people (top/bottom) just taking and taking from that person until there's nothing left of them all while acting indifferent or pitiful by themselves. It's nauseating. And with tops I hate them but still less because I know they're going to be arrogant about it and not act pitifully or wronged and hence get plenty of thrashing by people and rightly so. So that's fair treatment. But bottoms omg, they cheat and emotionally cheat and yet they're the pitiful ones, the victims the traumatized ones. I wonder if in those cases there're any audience who think that cheating would also traumatize the tops in those stories?

    Rin April 22, 2024 2:19 pm
    OOf what a roller coaster. Sounds similar to love bite. Where the bottom is mc and he has a first love, but doesn’t get with him. Has an ideal bf years later but reunites with first love and constantly cheats... chocobuun

    Btw in the story you mentioned does the mc atleast feels and remorse? Apologises? Coz here he absolutely doesn't. He's so audacious, he even comes up with an awesome reason and that's that he's going to make his bf live a normal life with a girl and so what can be the best way to do that??? Obviously, cheating on him with someone,

    chocobuun April 22, 2024 9:55 pm
    Btw in the story you mentioned does the mc atleast feels and remorse? Apologises? Coz here he absolutely doesn't. He's so audacious, he even comes up with an awesome reason and that's that he's going to make hi... Rin

    Tbh I don’t remember clearly about Love Bite, but I think he didn’t have much remorse. When he cheated on him, it’s like he didn’t care at all, and acted more like it’s just how it is. The mc/bottom was the very arrogant type who likely just believed he could do whatever he wants and that he was right.

    Rin April 23, 2024 6:17 am
    Tbh I don’t remember clearly about Love Bite, but I think he didn’t have much remorse. When he cheated on him, it’s like he didn’t care at all, and acted more like it’s just how it is. The mc/bottom w... chocobuun


    Rin April 24, 2024 5:28 pm
    Tbh I don’t remember clearly about Love Bite, but I think he didn’t have much remorse. When he cheated on him, it’s like he didn’t care at all, and acted more like it’s just how it is. The mc/bottom w... chocobuun

    Sorry to bug again but I just remembered that I read (unfortunately) 'boundary' which has the exact same situation of arrogant, unapologetic cheater uke and pushover seme. And istg it's so funny when they simp over the uke after getting cheated on but want to beat the shit out of the person whom the uke WILLINGLY had sex with. Seriously