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Animal ears on humans

WishingStarz August 8, 2023 10:30 am

I'm so happy they were drawn correctly!!

    plinky25 August 9, 2023 7:25 am

    Eh there’s no correct way to draw them since they’re fictional beings. Sure, it’s odd when they have human ears- but a lot of those artists who do that very likely are unable to draw their characters without ears and it may look odd when they try. (Speaking from personal experience). They would have to nail down how to draw hair to fill the space without human ears, but the issue could be that the hair looks awkward or too long.

    WishingStarz August 9, 2023 8:17 am
    Eh there’s no correct way to draw them since they’re fictional beings. Sure, it’s odd when they have human ears- but a lot of those artists who do that very likely are unable to draw their characters with... plinky25


    Aie October 9, 2023 2:11 pm

    Yeah, yeah! I myself am not really opposed to characters with both sets of human and beast ears at the same since anyway, I’m probably gonna be looking at their faces mostly, then their d*cks and their b*tts, however! Imagine this… you see, the ear that protrudes from the head is one thing, right? Another is the ear canal that extends deeper! In other words, a hole! Two is enough, but four..? Kekekeke… This is the point that I try not to think about with beastkin-like,characters, but you know, once you think about it, there’ll be a twice,…, and so on. Hahahahahaha