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I hope she stays a maid. It's literally been her dream and life goal to be a maid since he...

Local simp August 12, 2023 7:02 pm

I hope she stays a maid. It's literally been her dream and life goal to be a maid since her first life and now she gets to live out that dream.
I also hope nobody forces her into fitting a role she doesn't want, especially the dude who found out her identity first #-.-)
I probably do have to be ready for disappointment though since a lot of these shoujo isekai's that isn't centered around being an adventurer/getting stronger have the mc end up as an ultra powerful noble...

    Macathy Chai Tea Co May 31, 2024 9:48 pm

    Yeah!!, I prefer her to stay as a maid, that's the only thing made her herself. Like being a maid made her see the world with colors.