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I’m honestly curious on what people find so interesting about fucked up stories- if you ...

Chuuya August 14, 2023 6:30 pm

I’m honestly curious on what people find so interesting about fucked up stories- if you do please tell me trying to understand you’re guys point of view

    Weiwuxian August 14, 2023 6:33 pm

    bc its far from reality and essentially an escape from reality

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ August 14, 2023 6:38 pm

    I don't know fucked up stories are like a medicine to m especially for my mental health I sleep best when i read fucked up stories. Cuz it shows me that my reality is not so bad as much as those fucked up stories are so it makes my heart at ease. -- not sure I have made myself clear..

    ada_lovely August 14, 2023 6:43 pm

    oh it's so rare to find someone who isn't here to yell at us but try and understand... thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time!

    It's different for everyone of course, but personally.... I'm a sadist lol.
    Honestly, seeing a bottom being emotionally hurt by a fucked up top is weirdly joyous to me, especially when the story canonically acknowledges that his behaviour is fucked up. Its why I usually hate a redemption arc, the story is trying to say "being a rapist is okay because he had a rough childhood" lol, I'm here to see the bottom cry, not to be told that I should forgive the unforgivable because some rich guy was bullied when he was a kid!!
    Plus, in fiction, it's fun to read about a top who's so obsessed that he'll go to insane and unethical lengths to get with the bottom.

    Spammy August 14, 2023 6:51 pm

    This is a good question! Long answer incoming. For me there’s a couple of reasons. First, I find it appealing the same way a horror movie is appealing. Horror movies are exciting because you’re feeling a diluted version of the main characters’ fear and that can be exciting and gratifying because at the end of the day you turn the movie off and go about your life with this sort of palatable experience under your belt. I’ve found that stories about things that scare or disturb us has been part of human nature from the beginning—cavemen told campfire stories—because sometimes we sort of seek excitement/feeling danger in a safe way.

    I really enjoy Sadistic Beauty, for example, despite the fact that the main woman goes some really awful things to men that aren’t okay in the real world. But, as someone who’s been in situations where men have been violent to me, there’s a sort of revenge fantasy that lets me regain the power I felt that I lost in those moments, because she enacts acts of cruelty on them and the tables are turned. And because it’s fiction, no one gets hurt, and I can indulge in that safely. Same goes with eroticized rape in some stories—for example, in the real world I might have a lot of responsibilities and need to be in control a lot, there’s an element of fantasy that I physically *cannot* be in control. Do I think it’s ok in real life? Of course not. But while reading these, unlike the MC, I have complete control and consent—if I get uncomfortable I can close the manga.

    Hope this answers your question a bit :)

    cheese August 14, 2023 7:16 pm

    schadenfreude (for me atleast)

    istg i'm not like this irl. it's like- when you imagine someone you hate getting trampled on but ofc you can't do that irl bcs of obvious reason. So it's like a vent for me (idk if i explained it clearly but it's something around that)

    Zaki August 14, 2023 7:51 pm

    Fucked up story... First of all I wanna say we all perceive how fucked up a story is differently and we all have different tolerance level to some stuff

    I love reading romance mangas/etc so its just mainly fucked up romance books but now to the actual question: it's fascinating I guess?

    I like fucked up stories with interesting premises - for me - (this the key factor here!!) & I'll continue to read if the characters are interesting or have some sort of chemistry even if it's toxic - there is a fine line between love and hate & trash goes well with trash afterall etc. + if the plot is intriguing enough then it will keep me hooked, I do not like torture stories where just one gets treated like a "doormat" or is a "goody two shoes" or if it just gets too dark with no light in sight - I have my own limits

    (I love Checkmate / Caste Heaven for example, I'm still "invested" in Waterside Night / Jinx, I dropped Painter of the Night / Killing Stalking & many more but i forgot their names lol)

    I could probably go on and on but that's the gist of it

    Silent Lucidity August 14, 2023 7:54 pm

    I like different and interesting stories. Sometimes they just happen to have fucked up plots ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Jane124 August 14, 2023 8:38 pm

    i read the replies,most have same ways of thinking as mine. simple, never mixed reality n fantasy. i can read books where victim got raped n fall in luv with the rapist, bc it just fantasy,the story was created by the author, it's NOT REAL(if it really happened irl,ofc i hate it). i can read any kind of books as long as it interesting n i like it.

    Sensitive August 14, 2023 8:44 pm

    For me, I simply enjoy feeling and experiencing a range of emotions. I find it captivating to immerse myself in stories that evoke strong emotional responses. It's a way for me to connect deeply with the characters and the narrative. Additionally, I believe that art is meant to evoke emotions and make us feel something

    Akito August 14, 2023 9:03 pm

    I'm not entirely certain, but it's possible that I find myself drawn to toxic stories because they remind me of a person who had both hurt me and shown kindness ╥﹏╥

    Silent Lucidity August 14, 2023 9:12 pm

    You asked a good question, Chuuya. I'm enjoying reading everyone's answers