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plinky25 August 15, 2023 10:48 am

(May not be accurate due to google translate and some parts I didn’t bother to translate)

This was a cute story and I liked their relationship until later on in the story. At some point, I think they went on vacation, and the FL got into an accident. She had to be hospitalized and stayed there for a while. I forgot what the ML was doing, but I’m sure he probably had to continue working and providing for them, so they were separated during that time. It was understandable since the FL is young and missed out on a lot, because she had fun meeting new people, not worrying about making money during this time. However, what really irritated me was how she got swayed by some doctor that worked in the hospital. He was nice, and tried wooing her, and basically it was working. She blushed and everything and it almost looks like they went on a date. It felt like while she was having fun, the ML had no clue and was busy working to provide for them both.
If I remember correctly, she recovered and returned home- feeling sad and missing how it was over there where she had fun. They talked and acted like normal after that and moved on from the event. That was the last time I checked on the raws, I didn’t really bother to read more cause that irritated me too much. I checked again and honestly it’s just a lot of side couple stories mixed with the main story, likely more issues. Like in the latest chapter, the ML’s guy friend is suspecting he’s seeing another girl and questions him- but the ML is like “just keep it a secret for now and I’ll tell you later” (he’s not cheating, from google translation it seems to be some issues with work or legal problems, looking into an investigation? The lady he was talking to and sitting with at a restaurant likely worked for the police(?) and that’s why he’s talking and working some stuff out). I have no idea what exactly the issue is since there’s so much going on in the story. It just looks like this event could cause a big misunderstanding- and honestly I don’t got the patience to get through all that.

    Yanixi August 15, 2023 2:47 pm

    Ain’t no way she better not, but at the same time I would understand could she never had the chance to date anyone but still she’s a kid and he’s a grown adult who’s a doc she’s like what 16-18

    That Fujoshi August 29, 2023 7:42 am

    Honestly this manhua always tests my patience! And I often read it when 15-20 chapters get updated so I don't go crazy