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I Like it ^^

CrystalAris November 3, 2016 6:34 pm

Great Plot, great characters... hell I was wondering how I missed reading this.... low and behold..... it was uploaded today.... so I don't know if there will be regular updates. I do feel this could easily reach 100 chapters since it has such great depth.

I like MC's persona and I want to know what happened to her and what Sean Choi has anything to do with it (yeah I'll probably give some spoilers away sorry in advance). there are so many probabilities since all that was shown was he was there when she died and he feel super guilty to the point, I think, he wants to kill himself. (so he might have liked her and bullied her, she like him so he bullied her to chase her away, he just wanted to bully someone (he seems to have an angry character), he was a friend of her's but when she was bullied left her alone [least likely, but not throwing away the possibility] ... that's all I can think of at this moment ^^')

Inspector and his snake ^^ so far we don't know much about him but what he does and he for some reason is really lenient to MC. Maybe he likes her and she seems to be a good ghost so he lets her go, but I think that's part of it. he seems to know why she died... or who killed her and what her grudge might be (she seems to turn blue and grits her teeth [guess cause she died from the cold?]) since he told another ghost to be quiet. And the other 'inspector (w? the egale) asks how the girl was doing and inspector leaves (I think it's important info for the future)

There's great build up and so many questions to answer I don't think i'll get bored reading (if the story keeps up), but I know I keep waiting for more updates.^^

Thanks for the Great story! ^^
