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A little disappointing

moody_bish August 20, 2023 3:14 pm

1. Where does he place his mom in his heart?
I was aware that it might not be family oriented, but when his mom collapsed, i expected a follow up. A proper talk in the table with the money he was bringing. But nada. After mom's collapse, she disappears from his priorities
2. What exactly is his goal in becoming a world famous designer/architect/engineer?
This is just a personal bias but there's not much picture to see even if i say "oh, his goal is to be the best!". It also feels like an empty revenge plot but we dont even see much of the subject of his revenge (plus he didnt die, he just regained a chance to exploit his experience in a time when he was younger and can build a stronger foundation) --- it could honestly build a picture of its own as something abstract and vague image of success but there's no symbol of it like; a) an award reserved for his profession, b) his imagination on how to successfully one up the bastard that will set him up, or c) maybe build a home for his family since theyve become a single mom household because of debt.

I wrote an essay but it basically boils down to a vague execution of a plot. There is no progress bar apparent in his movement and the translation doesnt help because some dialogues are so vague, what are they even about? His relationships are fickle and the background plot points are loose and entangled.
