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This was weirdly... quiet?

moody_bish August 21, 2023 6:06 pm

At first, I expected dramaticism that felt so loud and almost having orchestras playing in the background when characters clash or having an intense scheming scenes (I blame the common immersive panels of revenge psychological manhwas on here LMAO). There's also the fact that Maribelle just kissed the Emperor in front of her deceitful cousin...

But instead, I witnessed a psychological yet romantic silent film, or something I'd imagine watching at an old cinema in those old rolling films and subdued volume. Coz that's how the plot unravelled itself to me despite some comedic art panels, abusive and traumatic scenes, as well as psychological break downs. But that same silence made me weep at the latter end of the story. Like a tear that escaped without my intention and a dull sadness creeping in my heart before a fluttering feeling of relief. Anyway, I really liked this story

    jinxseris November 27, 2023 12:16 am

    im not as eloquent as you are but you truly captured my feelings while reading this

    nimonomino March 30, 2024 7:48 am

    Babe do you write? If not then you really should