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Mental illness

Blacknitrate August 21, 2023 7:39 pm

Man this cover looked so beautiful, I thought it was some mushy romance, I should have read the comments and started only when it was finished.

You guys should read up BPD, borderline personality disorder.. that’s what sème is suffering from, correct me if I’m wrong but he has most of its symptoms, his dream of the child with blond hair is made up, he knows it and through the dream and imaginary boy, he is trying to constantly cope with his childhood trauma of being abandoned…this is DRC/dream reality confusion or disassociation….I wish there were trigger warnings for people in general… I don’t know if the author will address what is going on just now, hopefully we are able to understand the story from their pov in the future…

This is such a good psychologically complex story so far, the first season was written exceptionally well, I don’t think anyone should hate people for being mentally ill. People suffering from BPD need support and treatment. Thankfully BPD is treatable so maybe this story will have a happy ending, hopefully…

The uke is also coping with different issues stemming from childhood, his parents, poverty, low self esteem with acting and seme’s bizarre behavior. I think they both are on a journey of healing each other, more for uke at this point, but the thing is uke is quite perceptive and has yet to find out about seme’s situation, the sème desperately needs psychiatric help, as you see signs of suicidal tendencies.

I hope this story ends well, if they are together or go their separate ways, that they both overcome their problems where they are both stable and healthy.
