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Heya !! Need some help finding this bl manga I read a long time ago

Xytch September 10, 2023 5:58 pm

The story was about this small boy who encountered a dragon(??) in the woods and the people of the village said they saw him running out of it looking terrified after like 3 days of going missing in those woods. Years later, the kid becomes a dragon hunter or smth and sought out to find this dragon which in the end he succeeded, then drama drama drama, he then said something which was actually the dragon dudes word for him to become an actual dragon(?) Then the dragon dude left and became air or smth then the other guy was chasing after him in which the village ppl said was exactly like how he was running out of the woods all those years ago.

Ik for a fact that I've read this and it's probs somewhere in my reading or alrdy read list but I just can't find it
