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aloe September 11, 2023 11:22 pm

this shit is 10/10

was written flawlessly and unpredictably.
the phasing was perfect.

and compared to other unrequited plots this one actually hit the mark (though i wished to see nakata's flowing tears)

my only complain is how abrupt Tanaka's realization is but thats understandable if he already liked Nakata waaaay before. and yes he betrayed Takinagi which also made him suffer to the point of distancing himself from Nakata and based on what Takinagi said; their relationship probably won't last either.

it would be even more dramatic and interesting if Takinagi didn't happen to see them kissing. imagine if they weren't caught, whats next for them? they would probably continue and hide their relationship from Takinagi taking the plot to a new choatic level.

also Futaba best girl! and that ending is so brilliant and funny.

this deserve and an anime for real

    bamgyu November 15, 2023 9:57 pm

    honestly! Can't believe there are people who hate this? I have read this manga more than 10 times or sumn, I love it so much. The plot is so engaging and doesn't get boring even after so many rereads. They are all still kids in highschool so I understand how confusing love can be and how fickle their "love" can be, it's very on brand with how highschool romances usually are irl in at sense.

    I agree that Tanigaki not catching them would lead the plot in a different direction that would have been interesting to witness. But I still like how it ended. I like all the characters even with their slight flaws.

    Also Futaba really is the best girl.