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Mfs in this comments are so annoying. Like If you know it’s toxic why do you continue to...

Issa September 18, 2023 12:05 am

Mfs in this comments are so annoying. Like If you know it’s toxic why do you continue to read it ? I love toxic stories like it’s a guilty pleasure and that’s why they’re made. These aren’t real people no one’s actually getting hurt

    l0serr September 18, 2023 2:43 am

    ONG like it’s literally fiction

    Woodie Tooshie October 6, 2023 2:03 am

    These characters have personality. I like how different they are. I agree with you 100%. If people don't want to read about how bad a guy he is then read something else. If he was a psycho multiple personality killing machine, then I would still read it.

    DorianGrey October 12, 2023 7:40 am

    Yeah, people can be very simple minded, many have no problems reading something like "Remarried empress" and hating characters like "Trashta" but a toxic main character is a no go... Sigh. In RE, people keep on hating the two dumb villains of the story, when they were WRITTEN to be heated. People is supposed to feel good when they suffer. God forbid having any other kind of cathartic outlet like toxic romance... Sigh.