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It was an OK read

lostikins September 20, 2023 6:59 am

The premise was interesting, but everything felt rushed and feels unresolved.


Dude literally murders the old man Shion was madly in love with and like a page later Shion is basically "que sera sera" and that's it lol

This is basically my biggest grievance with one-off titles; most of them suffer due to how lil time we are given to get to know the characters and plot.

So the medicine peddler didn't murder the old man he was just planning to for a while to free Shion but ultimately decided against it 'cause the guilt of potentially murdering someone he was indebted to was too much. I wasn't paying much attention. After ch 3 so that bit of info didn't even register lol

    akleepart September 19, 2023 8:19 pm

    The impression I got from it was that he considered it, but in the end did not actually follow through. Maybe I need to reread it.

    Eiki September 19, 2023 8:25 pm
    The impression I got from it was that he considered it, but in the end did not actually follow through. Maybe I need to reread it. akleepart

    He didn't poison him according to my understanding

    lostikins September 19, 2023 9:15 pm
    He didn't poison him according to my understanding Eiki

    Didn't he put wolfsbane in the medicine tho lol

    lostikins September 19, 2023 9:18 pm
    He didn't poison him according to my understanding Eiki

    Oh, so he technically didn't do it he just had a strong desire for the master to die so that Shion wouldn't leave him.

    Which is still pretty fucked and doesn't really disprove my initial point lol

    akleepart September 20, 2023 4:43 am
    Oh, so he technically didn't do it he just had a strong desire for the master to die so that Shion wouldn't leave him.Which is still pretty fucked and doesn't really disprove my initial point lol lostikins

    I guess. I get crazy intrusive thoughts sometimes but would never act on them. I don’t think that makes me a terrible person just because the thought entered my mind.

    Ultimately he cared for his former master and couldn’t do it despite his desires. Just your average daily grapple with thoughts of murder and love

    pigglypoof September 20, 2023 5:21 am

    He didn't kill Shion's master, but I agree that the story fell flat. All that build-up and tension for nothing.

    lostikins September 20, 2023 6:54 am
    I guess. I get crazy intrusive thoughts sometimes but would never act on them. I don’t think that makes me a terrible person just because the thought entered my mind. Ultimately he cared for his former master... akleepart

    I don't think this was standard intrusive thoughts tho lol he had a plan and was willing to act it out.

    He was willing to do whatever for Shion but ultimately chose not to 'cause the guilt ate away at him. He's a medicine peddler so ofc murdering someone, even if the person was evil, would weigh heavier on him than most. Not to mention he was already a big softy from the go.

    Intrusive thoughts are moreso suddenly brought on and are usually something someone would never do ((ex. making a smoothie when your brain suddenly goes "hey! We should stick our finger in the blades!!")). It's kinda the whole reason why the word "intrusive" is part of the term lol

    lostikins September 20, 2023 6:57 am
    He didn't kill Shion's master, but I agree that the story fell flat. All that build-up and tension for nothing. pigglypoof

    Yeah, I replied to someone after rereading the final chapter again to make sure.

    I was skimming through it mostly 'cause I was hoping for a darker, more sinister story, but I honestly lost interest after ch 3 so I wasn't really paying that much attention lol

    It had potential which sucks the most for me.

    Kizzzz May 5, 2024 6:28 pm

    The author she passed in Dec12 2022