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y'all are forgetting this is a slow burn

I.need.a.short.coma September 20, 2023 5:15 am

idk if its because I am a slow burn vet (lookin at you skip beat) but 77 chapters is not too crazy for where its at rn.
I've also read pretty far ahead in the novel, so trust me when I tell y'all it is absolutely worth the wait.
But be warned it is he legit slow burn and it is super angsty. But that's the author style I guess.
Personally I'm still a fan even though I have a bunch of qualms with the characters but from an objective standpoint I guess it's pretty realistic and you can have pretty deep discussions about it. I think the author is really good at portraying the concept of while you can't love someone too much you can love them incorrectly and there is a lot of character growth from both of the leads as the story goes on.

    Cain’s 50cm shlong September 23, 2023 11:24 pm

    It worth the wait but I don’t think the manga gives the novel justice