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re-reading this till season 2 comes out

Nameless September 24, 2023 5:16 am

"Will you belive me now? that I have a heart and I can be hurt?" that sent me, that's where the tears came in. I'm not denying what the mc did wasn't bad, because it was, intentions are nothing in the face of reality and the reality was that he is at fault for his cousins death yet at the same time what he went through because of that is so much worse that it doesn't even begin to compare. and because of that i cant bring myself to blame him at all for what he did.. Klopp is an evil person. This isn't a "revenge" situation. Klopp is no better than the mc no actually worse. the mc would never hurt anyone intentionally but you.. you continued to hurt him over and over and over again. I just can't bring myself to see Klopp as a person who was simply hurt anymore..

    Sky September 25, 2023 12:40 pm

    Yes! Plus it makes me feel worse when you realize that the mc was too naive when it came to how bad people could be. People ignore that the mc hired those thugs to only SCARE his cousin NOT rape and beat him. He's still at fault for what happened but I wish reader's would realize that. (I can't remember what chapter I read that part in or if it was the novel)

    Bluejay September 25, 2023 3:35 pm
    Yes! Plus it makes me feel worse when you realize that the mc was too naive when it came to how bad people could be. People ignore that the mc hired those thugs to only SCARE his cousin NOT rape and beat him. H... Sky

    I agree and it was in the manga I think in a flashback iirc

    Nameless September 25, 2023 7:06 pm
    Yes! Plus it makes me feel worse when you realize that the mc was too naive when it came to how bad people could be. People ignore that the mc hired those thugs to only SCARE his cousin NOT rape and beat him. H... Sky

    also no one mentions the fact Klopp knew mc was madly in love with him and I belive Klopp was in love with mc too but went for his cousin due to status, money, and power and because they're both Alphas. Yea Klopp is general was just.. iffy

    Lin September 25, 2023 7:20 pm
    also no one mentions the fact Klopp knew mc was madly in love with him and I belive Klopp was in love with mc too but went for his cousin due to status, money, and power and because they're both Alphas. Yea Klo... Nameless

    Overall, Klopp is selfish man, a coward with violence tendency and inferiorty complex. He purposely shows Raphael off to Arok just to taunt him. I think that what really pushes Arok off the edge. He ruins many peoples’ lives, Raphael, Arok, his children, himself,