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Hated the ML and SPOILERS

CherryBombDeath September 25, 2023 2:45 am

The ML was trash, idgaf how may miscommunication tropes you throw into the fking story. Hated him and honestly I was very happy when he started getting suicidal because maybe after he's dead we can get some peace for my girl BUT NOOOO whoever wrote this dumpsterfire thought making him swuper swad and qwq was enough to redeemable. I'm going to give it a 4/10 only because the beginning was alright.

    MirrorImage October 1, 2023 2:21 pm

    fr? I don't think he was trash as all. The guy had horrid life. He was born to a mother and father that never showed him any love - in fact, his mother was straight up abusive before he was even at an age to read or write properly. Then when his mother died, his aunt wished him dead every single day and I believe tried to kill him herself. He got kidnapped and almost murdered again. Imagine if you were abused, had people attempt murder, followed by wishes for your death from the day of your birth?

    His only happiness was the girl but there was no way of him knowing that the FL was the same person; I mean, she looks totally different and almost identical to the person who made his life until adulthood a living hell. Even if the ML could communicate, the FL could not. Even if she could, she didn't.

    I'm just saying, compared to sovieshit? This guy is an angel. His only fault was being in a badly written story. The author didn't allow for any form of communication and just let everything crash and burn. Now, ML can barely do everything to stay alive.

    CherryBombDeath October 6, 2023 9:36 am
    fr? I don't think he was trash as all. The guy had horrid life. He was born to a mother and father that never showed him any love - in fact, his mother was straight up abusive before he was even at an age to r... MirrorImage

    See that's what I'm talking about they give him this sad sob story like there wasn't a power imbalance between the two. Yeah she looked exactly like her dad but the fact that she spent YEARS with him without doing a single bad thing and he still had resentment towards her? I have NO sympathy for that man, his upbringing may have been bad but that is no excuse for his actions and yes the story is written horribly but the miscommunication (despite the curse part) was mostly his doing. He is unredeemable as a love interest for me personally. Maybe they can be friends after healing but I realistically can't see them being lovers it is too far gone, he has done irreversible damage to that poor girl

    MirrorImage October 6, 2023 2:06 pm
    See that's what I'm talking about they give him this sad sob story like there wasn't a power imbalance between the two. Yeah she looked exactly like her dad but the fact that she spent YEARS with him without do... CherryBombDeath

    I guess we will agree to disagree then. I think they can be together but not in their current circumstances. Maybe in another life, or after years apart. Maybe if he dethrones. It would be impossible for me to see them together with the current situation as is.

    I do agree with one thing though. If it were me, I would have fallen out of love yeeeeeears ago with no way to get those feelings back even if I knew his story. I pity the dude a lot though. Child abuse isn't funny as someone who went through generational child abuse.

    Chibi October 8, 2023 12:47 pm
    fr? I don't think he was trash as all. The guy had horrid life. He was born to a mother and father that never showed him any love - in fact, his mother was straight up abusive before he was even at an age to r... MirrorImage

    This, irrespecyive if his past he was married to the daughter of a man who wanted him dead. No one in his situation would have viewed her favorably. If anything, for his own safety it would be completely reasonable to assume that she was working together with her father. In his mind, the person who saved him was a man.
    It's been a really long time since I read the first bit of the story so correct me if I'm wrong but he didn't beat her up or anything. He always made it known that he suspected her and kept a distance from her, whoch seems reasonable. We feel pity cuz we're reading it from the POV of FL but I think our perspective of the situation would be different if we had ML POV, even if he did have a good past instead of an abusive one.

    MirrorImage October 8, 2023 1:48 pm
    This, irrespecyive if his past he was married to the daughter of a man who wanted him dead. No one in his situation would have viewed her favorably. If anything, for his own safety it would be completely reason... Chibi

    Thank yoh!

    helvetica October 8, 2023 8:25 pm
    This, irrespecyive if his past he was married to the daughter of a man who wanted him dead. No one in his situation would have viewed her favorably. If anything, for his own safety it would be completely reason... Chibi

    Yeah, considering that her father is super manipulative, it wouldn’t be a surprise with how suspicious he was of fl, who could be tricking him. Especially since he thought that her father loved her, so he couldn’t see a reason why she would betray her father.