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Bitch, she didn't have to apologize for anything to her side bitches. None of them had a r...

Babidi September 25, 2023 11:57 am

Bitch, she didn't have to apologize for anything to her side bitches. None of them had a relationship where the terms said if one of them started feeling something, they had to be together. What the hell. They were friends with benefits, all of them. The blondie slut shamed her and the celebrity acted like she didn't have emotional responsibility and the other slided into her phone. Dude, and the boyfriend was really toxic. But the slut shaming took me out, when you have a non string's attached realtionship you are supposed to have no strings attached.The strings are attaching, the math is not mathing. She does not owe them anything but her sex and when she decided to communicate that that was no longer the case, they went nuts. If you are a teenager reading this, let me tell you that they can't do that, they had boundaries and if they didn't decide to communicate from the start that's their problem, if you want to finish those sorts of relationship and you communicate it, that relationship is over. Goddamn.

    phoray September 28, 2023 2:34 pm

    Thank you. I ultimately could not recommend this story to anyone after I saw all the slut shaming from literally all parties.