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Evilteddybear September 26, 2023 12:44 am

I thought it would be romantic if Jules was the only one who could recognize and support Ilian and he would mature as the person who took care of him now needs his help. But he's just a kid throwing a tantrum cause he doesn't get what he wants. "My love wasn't returned so I will never be kind to anyone ever again"... okay. That's like a kindergarten level of maturity, he's in no way mentally equal to Haven or ready for any kind of relationship really

    lalasakura November 11, 2023 11:32 pm

    the moment it was revealed he knew Ilian's kid was in danger and didn't care about it because of his dumb jealousy and also bc the kid wasn't Ilian, was when he completely lost me. He's trash, I don't want him to be endgame. Haven can do so much better than a super obsessive dude who refuses to grow as a person and stays the same since the was 9 years old. Idc if he has trauma, Haven isn't his therapy chamber nor should she. Is upsetting

    Evilteddybear November 12, 2023 12:27 am

    I agree... the other male leads aren't a good fit for Haven cause they seem so young compared to her....but it's not like he is more mature. That point when she was like "I would have stayed with you if I knew you were such a lonely child." With the romantic aura was very cringe. She said it, she called him a child.

    isekaihoe December 29, 2023 12:37 am
    the moment it was revealed he knew Ilian's kid was in danger and didn't care about it because of his dumb jealousy and also bc the kid wasn't Ilian, was when he completely lost me. He's trash, I don't want him ... lalasakura

    Literally i might burst a brain nerve with jules' antics... but i guess "haven" as the mc's name is operating on some self-fulfilling prophecy trope shit.