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bt mc is dumb, ml is delulu they are himbos matched in heaven lol. my concersn is mc has ...

sailor neko September 26, 2023 7:23 pm

bt mc is dumb, ml is delulu they are himbos matched in heaven lol. my concersn is mc has no idea wtf is going on. i wonder how he survivied this long in this cruel world tbh. i assume that baby not even his in first place. that bitch dumped someones baby over him and he lietrally left everything behind for the baby.

    crustyasslady September 26, 2023 8:22 pm

    It goes to show how lonely and confused he must have been not having any family at all. He could have dumped the baby like his ex did but he decided to have her because he probably just wants a family. He seems to be doing okay and happy. And that is what's important.

    Bird-chan September 26, 2023 8:23 pm

    At least he is happy to have someone he can relayed as family. If he had stayed in the military...he would've di3 alone.

    CoyEci September 26, 2023 10:55 pm

    Umm…did you skip the last few chapters or something? The baby isn’t biologically related to him, nobody ever assumed it was, MC, ex gf and ML are all well aware of it.

    crustyasslady September 27, 2023 1:25 am
    Umm…did you skip the last few chapters or something? The baby isn’t biologically related to him, nobody ever assumed it was, MC, ex gf and ML are all well aware of it. CoyEci

    Oh damn...I didn't even know this what chapter was this discussed in. I might have glossed over this