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Yuki November 19, 2016 8:43 pm

Okay, the part about it being peppermint candy in the end was funny, but that was still rape, even if the uke "enjoyed" it in the end--just want to point out he was so shaken up he wanted to cry afterward
and I know this is yaoi and all, but let's not forget that in real life, just because it feels good doesn't mean you like it or you're gay (or straight or bi or wtv)

    Ladyanime November 20, 2016 3:12 am

    True but u just need to clam down cuz it's just a STORY

    Viira November 20, 2016 3:45 am
    True but u just need to clam down cuz it's just a STORY Ladyanime

    Im so annoyed with people telling others to calm down when they already calmly and rational make a comment as a warning for people who might not understand or who might not want to read a story with rape... This person was super calm and kind in their comment. Its more like people need to stop trying to put others down for speaking up against sexual assault and rape

    Ladyanime November 20, 2016 3:50 pm
    Im so annoyed with people telling others to calm down when they already calmly and rational make a comment as a warning for people who might not understand or who might not want to read a story with rape... Thi... Viira

    Ok so why comment, I could see if it was a real life situation, of course my reaction and comments would be totally different, we all have a right to comment how we like there's no need to be upset

    Ladyanime November 20, 2016 4:04 pm
    Im so annoyed with people telling others to calm down when they already calmly and rational make a comment as a warning for people who might not understand or who might not want to read a story with rape... Thi... Viira

    Look, we all read these story's for fun ,or romance, sex ect... most books have genres so we kinda know what to expect, were all here to have fun , had this been a real life situation my reaction and comments would be totally different ok

    Viira November 20, 2016 6:55 pm
    Ok so why comment, I could see if it was a real life situation, of course my reaction and comments would be totally different, we all have a right to comment how we like there's no need to be upset Ladyanime

    I commented because yours annoyed me and I wanted to say that it was rude of you to tell somebody to calm down when they weren't even getting upset. Idk, I could ask you the same, why comment on theirs saying calm down and a little annoyed emoji. I said we're all here to have fun but you're the one that was being kind of passive aggressive in the first place. I mean, I respect that in real life your reaction would have been different, but for some people they don't like this stuff in fiction either. Its not a big deal for people to say they're bothered by it in fiction is what my point is, yet anytime people do I see people commenting at them to calm down or that they're being sensitive or etc etc and its just...why. Why do people shut down what others have to say if the manga did something that bothered them? I mean, I just see it a lot and its weird.

    Yuki November 21, 2016 1:32 am
    I commented because yours annoyed me and I wanted to say that it was rude of you to tell somebody to calm down when they weren't even getting upset. Idk, I could ask you the same, why comment on theirs saying c... Viira

    Thank you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Yuki November 21, 2016 1:33 am
    Ok so why comment, I could see if it was a real life situation, of course my reaction and comments would be totally different, we all have a right to comment how we like there's no need to be upset Ladyanime

    "we all have a right to comment how we like there's no need to be upset"
    thank you for saying that
    now please respect my rights too, thank you

    Ladyanime November 21, 2016 2:04 am
    Thank you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Yuki

    .that's your problem the person who I left the comment to didn't say anything so who cares if your annoyed

    Ladyanime November 21, 2016 2:10 am
    Thank you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Yuki

    It was meant jokingly, don't get affended BY my comment , that would be dumb like I said it would be totally different if this was a real life situation my reaction and comments would be totally different!

    Yuki November 21, 2016 2:21 am
    It was meant jokingly, don't get affended BY my comment , that would be dumb like I said it would be totally different if this was a real life situation my reaction and comments would be totally different! Ladyanime

    sorry I didn't find it funny and didn't think it was a joke?
    I'm simply pointing out that some things that happen in the manga are totally not okay in real life, and I can't do anything about the situation if you find me overly sensitive or something because I'm pointing that out
    there are some really young people out there who read yaoi, and I just don't want them to get the misconception that rape is okay and even romantic; I've found myself believing in some ridiculous things I saw in manga, so I don't doubt that there are people who might read mangas like this one and think oh so one person forcing another is okay because they haven't learned that it isn't from real life (yet)

    star November 21, 2016 10:36 am
    It was meant jokingly, don't get affended BY my comment , that would be dumb like I said it would be totally different if this was a real life situation my reaction and comments would be totally different! Ladyanime

    wth? you're telling people it's dumb to be offended/annoyed by your comment, but YOU yourself can be annoyed by THEIR comments? um no. they have the freedom of speech to make their comments if they wish (and being mature about it, mind you).

    Viira November 21, 2016 11:07 am
    sorry I didn't find it funny and didn't think it was a joke? I'm simply pointing out that some things that happen in the manga are totally not okay in real life, and I can't do anything about the situation if y... Yuki

    I'm so with you on this! There have been manga that I have commented stuff like your original comment for this very reason, and because of how my perceptions were skewed when I was young and didn't really understand these things. I always explain that but people don't like to listen...I feel like they probably feel bad seeing the comment because they enjoyed it and think that that type of comment is saying they should and can't like it or that they're a bad person if they do and thats totally not what anyone is getting at! We just want to make sure that the young readers on this site see older readers saying, "hey, this isn't how real life works btw. It might be taken lightly here/everything works out, but doing this or having this done to you in real life isn't okay"

    Yuki November 21, 2016 10:33 pm
    I'm so with you on this! There have been manga that I have commented stuff like your original comment for this very reason, and because of how my perceptions were skewed when I was young and didn't really under... Viira

    yeah I totally know what you mean!! whenever I say something like this there are always people who seem to take offense and protest that they know it's not okay or that they would react differently in real life; I get that. I just wish they'd understand that just because I'm pointing things out doesn't mean I'm accusing them of being bad people or whatever

    Viira November 21, 2016 10:57 pm
    yeah I totally know what you mean!! whenever I say something like this there are always people who seem to take offense and protest that they know it's not okay or that they would react differently in real life... Yuki

    Exactly! I'm so relieved to see somebody feels the same way! I've gotten tons of rude and nasty comments when all I did was point out that the situation was unrealistic or that you are justified in being upset if somebody does that to you. I'd also have a lot of people telling me how stupid it was to comment that because "everyone knows that" or "everyone can distinguish between fantasy and reality" and they wouldn't let that argument go when people can't actually always draw the line. I just feel like people underestimate how young some of the people on here are and how when you've never been in a relationship or you don't really have any experience in these kinds of topics, you tend to emulate the media you consume. I know there were things that I thought were okay that I now know aren't. Even shoujo manga can also be really toxic with the way some guys treat girls in it. The thing is just that when rape isn't dealt with thoughtfully, I want the people reading it to come to the comments and feel validated if something felt wrong or off to them so that they don't just see the comments saying "that was so hot!" and think that they were overreacting or "oh, must not be a problem".

    I've also gotten a comment off of a story where abuse wasn't taken seriously and the commenter had something similar happen and was young and taken advantage of by a family member and because they didn't know what to do, they wouldn't have said anything about what happened to them if they hadn't gotten that validation. So, people can get upset but...I'll keep pointing it out.

    Yuki November 22, 2016 11:19 pm
    Exactly! I'm so relieved to see somebody feels the same way! I've gotten tons of rude and nasty comments when all I did was point out that the situation was unrealistic or that you are justified in being upset ... Viira

    Yeah I totally feel
    media is a VERY big force in shaping people's ideas and conceptions of things, especially young people, so much more than many people think, and it's important to keep it accountable because it can both do good and do harm
    also there will be people who have suffered who read these mangas and I think it's important to let those people know that we ARE against despicable behaviors like rape and abuse
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ friend~I'll keep point things out with you ;)