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Tama bad?

aus? October 2, 2023 10:44 pm

I see several comments about how Tama was bad to Sunao and hurt him? I’m kinda confused on that..? Sunao knew from the start that Tama played around, their relationship was nothing at all official (even after he was given the extra key) so although it would hurt Sunao to see Tama with others (since he liked him, however hadn’t told him yet/asked to date/etc) Tama has every right to still play around if he wants to.. it does not make him trash or mean that he's hurting Sunao on purpose… even the time they passed on the street and Sunao was hurt to see him with another guy (Tama had the key at this point) in the end Tama didn’t even go with him! He went to see Sunao instead!! I disagree with all the comments saying Tama was bad to Sunao.
